
MCQ on Fundamentals of Computer MCQ Questions -

MCQ  on Fundamentals of Computer MCQ Questions  ##################################  Here we present the first 100 multiple choice questions from Fundamentals of Computers chapter. This includes the topics such as the topics history of computers, computer generation, classification, computer system, hardware and software, liveware, firmware and cache memory, peripherals, computer media, networking, security and viruses, file management, ASCII and Unicode standards, IT policy, electronic act and so on. Fundamentals of Computer MCQ Questions Following is the listing of the questions. Please find the correct answers at the end of this post.  ################################## Questions 1. UNIVAC is A) Universal Automatic Computer B) Universal Array Computer C) Unique Automatic Computer D) Unvalued Automatic Computer 2. The basic operations performed by a computer are A) Arithmetic operation B) Logical operation C) Storage and relative D) All the above 3. The two major ty...

MCQ ON Information System in Financial and Accounting System in MIS PAPER-COMPUTORISED ACCOUNTING SEMESTER-II

 MCQ ON Information System in Financial and Accounting System in MIS PAPER-COMPUTORISED ACCOUNTING SEMESTER-II 1. An organization's financial structure is a ___ and has a great impact on its stable development and long life. A. Small or large B. Unit C. Business D. All of the mentioned above Answer: A) Small or large Explanation: An organization's financial structure is small or large and has a great impact on its stable development and long life. 2. A financial information system involves the ___ of financial and accounting data. A. Collection, storage, and processing B. System maintenance C. System testing D. None of the mentioned above Answer: A) Collection, storage, and processing Explanation: Internal users use an accounting information system to collect, store, and process financial and accounting data to report information to investors, creditors, and tax authorities. 3. A computer-based method for ___ accounting activity in conjunction with information technology resour...


    MCQ ON TALLY ACCOUNTING PAPER-COMPUTORISED ACCOUNTING SEMESTER-II 1. Tally Package is developed by ________. a) Tally solutions       b) Tally corporation               c) Tally company       d) Tata company Ans. a 2. Financial Year period is ______. a) 1 April to 31 March                       b) 1 January to 31 December        c) 1 june to 31 july                             d) none of these Ans. a 3. Tally is a _______ software. (a) spreadsheet         (b) accounting           (c) publishing            (d) animation Ans. b 4. Tally supports _______ accounting types. (a) cash           (b) payroll       (c) ...


QUESTIONS and ANSWERS  COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTING   B. COM. SEMESTER-II SET-I Question 1. Accounting Packages are developed on the basis of (a) Accounting concepts (b) Accounting conventions (c) Both Accounting concepts and Conventions (d) None of the above Answer: (c) Both Accounting concepts and Conventions Question 2. What type of Software is an Accounting Package? (a) System Software (b) Application Software (c) Utility Software (d) Basic Answer: (b) Application Software Question 3. The components of computerised accounting system are (a) Data, Report, Ledger, software, Hardware (b) Software, Hardware, People, Procedure, Data (c) Data, Coding, Procedure, Objective, Output (d) People, Procedure, Hard ware, software Answer: (b) Software, Hardware, People, Procedure, Data Question 4. Grouping of Accounts means the classification of data from: (a) Assets, Capital, and Liabilities (b) Assets, Capital, Liabilities, Revenues & Expenses (c) Assets, Owners equity, Revenue ...


  MCQs on Vouchers SUBJECT- COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING CLASS B. COM., SEMESTER-II A Voucher is an internal document that is used to support the entries in accounting books. It is a transaction bond of redeemable form that can be used for specific purposes and has monetary value. Below is a list of multiple-choice questions and answers on Vouchers to understand the topic better. 1-Which of the following is documentary evidence that records the details of a transaction and is prepared in a specific format? A. Journal B. Ledger C. Voucher D. All of the above Answer: C 2-Which of the following transactions is a voucher prepared for? A. Cash or credit purchase B. Cash or credit sale C. Cash received and paid D. All of the above Answer: D 3-A voucher is prepared on the basis of ________. A.The journal entries B. The ledger entries C. The documentary evidence D. All of the above Answer: C 4-Which of the following details are included in a voucher? A. The transaction amount (in both figures a...


 MCQ ON ACCOUNTING PAPER-COMPUTORISED ACCOUNTING SEMESTER-II Accountancy is referred to as the process of recording financial transactions that take place in a business. The Accounting process involves summarising, reporting and analysing the information to be used by various users of Accounting information. Following are some of the Accounting multiple choice questions and answers that will help the students in brushing up their understanding of the concept of Accounting. Accounting MCQs with Answers: Question 1 Accounting provides data or information on A) Income and cost for the managers B) Financial conditions of the institutions C) Company’s tax liability for a particular year D) All the above Answer: D Question 2 Long term assets without any physical existence but, possessing a value are called A) Intangible assets B) Fixed assets C) Current assets D) Investments Answer: A Question 3 The assets that can be easily converted into cash within a short period, i.e., 1 year or less...


  INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY TECHNIQUES OR Innovative Teaching Strategies Innovative teaching strategies don’t always mean introducing the latest and greatest technology into the classroom. Instead, innovative teaching is the process of proactively introducing new teaching strategies and methods into the classroom. The purpose of introducing these new teaching strategies and methods is to improve academic outcomes and address real problems to promote equitable learning.    How Innovation Can Help You Become Better at Teaching  In many ways, applying innovative teaching strategies to the classroom is a tacit understanding that our teaching methods can be improved. It accepts the need to grow and develop, which is exactly what we ask of our students. What better way to lead than by example?  So, innovative teaching strategies start with a growth mindset. We identify room for improvement. We invest our time in researching and thinking of better strategies to teach our stu...

दुनिया के प्रसिद्ध देशों के पुराने नाम Old Name Of Countries:

  दुनिया के प्रसिद्ध देशों के पुराने नाम Old Name Of Countries:  कभी जापान का नाम था निप्पन और ईरान था पर्शिया, जानिए दुनिया के प्रसिद्ध देशों के पुराने नाम देशों के पुराने और वर्तमान नाम- जापान को 'निप्पन' कहा जाता था. ताइवान का पुराना नाम 'फारमोसा' था. थाईलैंड को पहले 'स्याम' कहा जाता था. ईराक का पुराना नाम 'मेसोपोटामिया' था. मलेशिया का पुराना नाम 'मलाया' था. यूरोपीय देश नीदरलैंड का पुराना नाम 'हॉलैंड' था. कंबोडिया को पहले 'कंपूचिया' कहा जाता था. इथियोपिया का पुराना नाम 'एबीसीनिया' था. तुर्की का पुराना नाम 'कुस्तुंतुनियां' था. अफ्रीकी देश जिंबाब्वे का पुराना नाम दक्षिणी 'रोडेशिया' था. अफ्रीका का पुराना नाम 'गोल्ड कोस्ट' था. घाना पहला अफ्रीकी देश था जो कि ब्रिटिश उपनिवेश से स्वतंत्र हुआ था.      भारत के पड़ोसी देशों के पुराने नाम म्यांमार को पहले 'बर्मा' कहा जाता था. बांग्लादेश असल में पहले भारत का ही हिस्सा था. पहले यह आज के बंगाल का पूर्वी भाग था, इसलिए इसे 'पूर्वी बंगाल' कहा जाता...