
E-COMMERCE e-Governance Questions Answers ई➖गवर्नेस

  E-COMMERCE e-Governance Questions Answers ई➖गवर्नेस प्रश्न=01. सरकार द्वारा आईसीटी (ICT) के विकास के लिए कितने प्रतिशत बजट का प्रावधान किया गया है (अ) 5 (ब) 3 (स) 6 (द) 7 (ब)✔ प्रश्न=02. भारत में सूचना संप्रेषण तकनीकी के जन्मदाता किसको माना जाता है (अ) मदन मोहन मालवीय(Madan mohan malviya) (ब) Indira Gandhi (स) Rajiv Gandhi (द) Atal Bihari Vajpai (स)✔ प्रश्न=03. कौन सा वर्ष भारत में इ गवर्नस ( E governance) वर्ष के रूप में मनाया गया (अ) 2001 (ब) 2003 (स) 2005 (द) 2007 (अ)✔ प्रश्न=04. NEF का आयोजन कहां किया गया (अ) Rajasamand (ब) Bharatpur (स) Alwar (द) Udaipur (द)✔ प्रश्न=05. इ डिस्ट्रिक्ट ( E district) कौन से जिलों में संचालित है (अ) अजमेर अलवर (ब) अजमेर जोधपुर (स) जयपुर भरतपुर (द) जयपुर झालावाड़ (ब)✔ प्रश्न=06. राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर ई गवर्नेंस योजना का शुभारंभ किया गया (अ) 14 अगस्त 2002 को (ब) 15 अगस्त 2002 को (स) 13 अगस्त 2002 (द) 16 अगस्त 2002 को (ब)✔ प्रश्न=07. ई गवर्नेंस के तहत सेवाएं प्रचलित है (अ) भामाशाह (ब) ईमित्र (स) एजुकेशन पोर्टल (


 E-Commerce MCQs Solve Multiple-Choice Questions on E-Commerce to prepare better for MCQ preparation. It is very beneficial to solve MCQs before exams for multiple reasons. You can practise, analyse and understand concepts while solving them. It will also help you in time management. E-Commerce MCQs are a prerequisite to the current examination pattern. If you wish to learn more, you can check notes, mock tests, and previous years’ question papers related to E-Commerce. Get an idea about E-Commerce MCQs by solving the ones compiled below for your practice. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Multiple-Choice Questions on E-Commerce E-Commerce stands for _______. Electrical Commerce Electronic Commerce Entertainment Commerce ElectroChemical Commerce Answer (b) The World Wide Web (WWW) was introduced in the year …………………… 1994 1996 1992 1990 Answer (a) __________ is an early form of E-commerce SCM EDI Both of these Neither of these Answer (b) ____________ is concerned with the buying and sellin

E-Commerce क्या है? इस व्यापार को कैसे करते है?

 E-Commerce क्या है? इस व्यापार को कैसे करते है?  “भैया और दिखाओं.” “कुछ नया दिखाओं ना!”   “कुछ ट्रेडिसनल दिखाओ.”   क्या आपने सुने है ये सवाल? जरुर सुने होंगे. जब आप किसी दुकान पर शॉपिंग करने जाते है तब यहीं सवाल आप खुद भी करते है. और पहले से खरीदारी करने आए कस्टमर के मूँह से भी सुनने को मिलते है. समय के साथ हर चीज बदल जाती है. इसी तरह हमारा शॉपिंग करने और व्यापार करने का तरीका भी बदल रहा है. और हमें अब कुर्सी खरीदने के लिए पास के फर्नीचर स्टोर तक जाने की कोई जरूरत नहीं है. क्योंकि आप ये काम घर बैठे-बैठे एक क्लिक द्वारा कर सकते है. जी हाँ! आपने सही सुना एक क्लिक से आप अपनी जरुरत का सामान खरीद सकते है और बेच भी सकते है. ये सहुलियत दी है ई-कॉमर्स ने. जानिए आज के लेख में ई-कॉमर्स की पूरी जानकारी और समझिए ई-कॉमर्स क्या है और कैसे शॉपिंग करने का तरीका बदल दिया है इसनें. अध्ययन की सुविधा के लिए हमने इस लेख को निम्न भागों में बांट दिया है. ताकि आप एक-एक टॉपिक को आसानी से समझ सके. Table of Content ई-कॉमर्स क्या है? ई-कॉमर्स का इतिहास ई-कॉमर्स का प्रकार ई-कॉमर्स का फायदा ई-कॉमर्स का नुकसान ई-कॉ

आखिर क्यों, UP की 30 स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी में 73% सवर्ण कुलपति, SC सिर्फ 3%; कुलपति की नियुक्ति में वास्तविक अति पिछड़ों के भी बुरे हाल

  आखिर क्यों, UP की 30 स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी में 73% सवर्ण कुलपति,  SC सिर्फ 3%; कुलपति की नियुक्ति में वास्तविक अति पिछड़ों के भी बुरे हाल उत्तर प्रदेश की 30 स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी में 22 सवर्ण कुलपति हैं। यानी 73% से भी ज्यादा। पिछड़ा वर्ग, यानी OBC के 6 हैं, प्रतिशत निकालेंगे तो 20%। श‌ेड्यूल्ड कास्ट यानी SC कैटेगरी के सिर्फ एक वाइस चांसलर हैं। यह 3% हुए। कुलपतियों का कार्यकाल 3 से 5 साल होता है। मौजूदा सभी 30 कुलपति BJP सरकार में नियुक्त हुए हैं। क्या ये सिलेक्‍शन नॉर्मल हैं या इनमें राजनीतिक पोस्टिंग भी है। आइए पूरे प्रोसेस को परत-दर-परत देखते हैं- लिस्ट देखी आपने? हमने भी देखी। जब हमने सिलेक्‍शन प्रोसेस की पड़ताल में कई जरूरी बातें सामने आई हैं। आइए एक-एक करके इन पर बात करते हैं। UGC का सिलेक्‍शन प्रोसेस अभी यूपी तक नहीं पहुंचा विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोग, यानी UGC ने कुलपति चुनने के जो नियम बना रखे हैं, वो आज तक UP में लागू ही नहीं हो पाए हैं। हमने जो ढूंढा, वो बताने से पहले, आपकी राय जानना चाहते हैं। आज तक UGC का कोई नामित प्रतिनिधि UP में रहा ही नहीं दीन दयाल उपाध्याय विश्वविद्यालय, गोरख


 E-COMMERCE-SHORT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON E-GOVERNANCE 1-What are the applications of e-Governance? It has the following main applications: Government To Citizen (G2C) Consumer To Government (C2G) Government To Government (G2G) Government To Business (G2B) Government To NGO (G2N) 2-What is e-Governance mobile apps? E-governance is the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in government operations to achieve public ends through the introduction of digital means across various stand-alone systems between Government-to-Citizens (G2C), Government-to-Business (G2B), and Government-to-Government (G2G) and ... 3-List some Useful Government Apps During Lockdown in India: List of Government Mobile Apps: 1) Aarogya Setu App 2) Aaykar Setu App 3) BHIM UPI App 4) DigiLocker App 5)  ePathshala App 6) GST Rate Finder App 7) Indian Police at Your Call App 8) mAadhaar App 9) MADAD App 10) mParivahan App 11) mPassport Seva App 12) MyGov App 13) PMO India App 14) UMANG App 4-

E-COMMERCE- E-Governance and its Significance

 E-Governance and its Significance E-governance is one of the very important topics in understanding government machinery and its important functions. Candidates preparing for the Civil services examination must have a thorough understanding of the subject. Students who are preparing for other Government Exams can refer to this article as well. This topic comes under the subject of Indian Polity and governance in General Studies paper 2 of the UPSC Syllabus.  The PIB Summary and Analysis initiative will give the latest information regarding government schemes and policies!! Visit the article now!! Table of Contents: Definition of e-Governance What is SMART Governance? Interactions in e-Governance Advantages of e-Governance e-Governance Initiatives The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) e-Kranti – Electronic Delivery of Services Mission Mode Project National Conference on e-Governance Definition of e-Governance Electronic governance or e-governance implies government functioning with the

Some Useful Apps by Government of India

  Some Useful Apps by Government of India  Useful Mobile Apps That Can Make Lives Easier for Indians Digital India - Power to Empower To make India digital and in line with the vision of Government of India’s initiative ‘Digital India’, Indian Government has launched various mobile apps every now or then to make lives better for Indian citizens. Below are 7 of the most useful mobile apps launched by Government of India: 1. BHIM BHIM, stands for 'Bharat Interface for Money', is a mobile app launched to make India cash free. It is developed by National Payment Corporation of India and intended to facilitate e–payment directly through the bank accounts. Unlike other digital wallets which hold money in an online wallet, this app is exclusively designed to transfer money directly between different bank accounts. 2. Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan If there is a lot of garbage in a locality and no one from municipality department has come to clean it up for days, just click a picture of it and


  E-COMMERCE-SHORT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON E-GOVERNANCE APPLICATIONS 1-What are the 4 P's of corporate governance? The four P's of corporate governance are people, process, performance, and purpose. 2-What is a good governance framework? A good governance framework is a conceptual structure and set of rules that outlines how an organisation is managed and controlled. 3-How do you implement governance? Five steps to establish an IT governance model 1-Start with the basics. 2-Prioritize business goals and initiatives. 3-Design processes. 4-Create the committees. 5-Communicate and campaign. 4-What is the purpose of governance? Governance ensures everyone in an organization follows appropriate and transparent decision-making processes and that the interests of all stakeholders (shareholders, managers, employees, suppliers, customers, among others) are protected. Related: Stakeholder Engagement Definition. 5-What are governance activities? Governance Activities means any decision o


 E-COMMERCE-JUST IN TIME  SHORT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1-What is the concept of just-in-time? Just-in-time, or JIT, is an inventory management method in which goods are received from suppliers only as they are needed. The main objective of this method is to reduce inventory holding costs and increase inventory turnover. 2-What is just-in-time deliveries? Just-In-Time Delivery  Just-in-Time (JIT) logistics operate under the concept of receiving raw materials, products and parts as they are needed, rather than days or even weeks before. This allows businesses to significantly cut inventory costs by having fewer unnecessary supplies on hand and far less material to store. 3-What is the importance of JIT delivery in b2b ecommerce? Just-in-time delivery is a feature that can significantly optimize order fulfillment logistics for e-commerce retailers, improving efficiencies and managing costs to make operations more profitable. It's a way to up your game, getting orders to customers more


  electronic marketplaces (e-marketplaces) An e-marketplace is a location on the Internet where companies can obtain or disseminate information, engage in transactions, or work together in some way. Most of the e-marketplaces provide two basis functions: 1) they allow companies to obtain new suppliers or buyers for company products, or 2) developing streamlined trading networks that make negotiating, settlement, and delivery more efficient. Currently e-marketplaces exist in many different industries. E-marketplaces can be structured in several different ways. One way to structure a marketplace is similar to eBay, where the market maker is neither a buyer or seller, but is a neutral third party. Other e-marketplaces are set up be a consortium of sellers that leverage their combined power to efficiently sell their products to buyers. Buyers can also set up a marketplace to reduce their costs and obtain better purchasing terms. An example of this type of marketplace is Covisant, a marketp