1-What are the 4 P's of corporate governance?

The four P's of corporate governance are people, process, performance, and purpose.

2-What is a good governance framework?

A good governance framework is a conceptual structure and set of rules that outlines how an organisation is managed and controlled.

3-How do you implement governance?

Five steps to establish an IT governance model

1-Start with the basics.

2-Prioritize business goals and initiatives.

3-Design processes.

4-Create the committees.

5-Communicate and campaign.

4-What is the purpose of governance?

Governance ensures everyone in an organization follows appropriate and transparent decision-making processes and that the interests of all stakeholders (shareholders, managers, employees, suppliers, customers, among others) are protected. Related: Stakeholder Engagement Definition.

5-What are governance activities?

Governance Activities means any decision or action of any kind contemplated or taken by the Governance Board of a Person in connection with the monitoring, oversight or management of the property, business or affairs of such Person as required or permitted under such Person's Governance Documents or Applicable Law.

6-What are the tools of good governance?

Current tools on Good Governance

1-Democratic participation. CLEAR - Citizen Participation.

2-Good Governance. 

3-Human Resources and Leadership

4-Teleworking in Public Administration.

5-Institutional Capacity and Quality Public Services

6-Local Finance

7-Territorial and Cross-Border Cooperation.

7-What are the issues related to e-governance 


This research paper highlights the main challenges related to the implementation of e- Governance in India. Keywords- Cost, different languages, e-readiness rank, e- Governance, ICT, literacy level, per capita income, separation. also huge challenges for the implementation of e- Governance in India.

8-What are the 4 models of e-governance?

E-governance is of 4 types:

1-Government-to-Citizen (G2C): The Government-to-citizen mentions the government services that are acquired by the familiar people.

2-Government-to-business (G2B)

3-Government-to-Government (G2G)

4-Government-to-Employee (G2E)

9-What are the examples of e-governance?

Examples of e-governance include Digital India initiative, National Portal of India, Prime Minister of India portal, Aadhaar, filing and payment of taxes online, digital land management systems, Common Entrance Test etc.

10-What are the application requirements of e-Governance?

The e-Governance initiative would have to address these Technology Issues/Objectives by identifying the appropriate hardware platforms and software application packages for cost-effective delivery of public services. This knowledge repository should be widely available through appropriate Demo- Mechanisms.

11-What is e-government application?

Electronic government (or e-Government) is the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to government functions and procedures with the purpose of increasing efficiency, transparency and citizen participation.

12-What are the examples of successful implementation of e-Governance projects?

(v) Examples of successful implementation of E-governance are e-Mitra, e-Seva project, CET (Common Entrance Test).

13-What are the benefits and limitations of e-governance applications?

Advantages of e-Governance

1-Improves delivery and efficiency of government services.

2-Improved government interactions with business and industry.

3-Citizen empowerment through access to information.

4-More efficient government management.

5-Less corruption in the administration.

6-Increased transparency in administration.

14-What are the types of governance?


Governance as process.

Public governance.

Private governance.

Global governance.

Governance Analytical Framework.

Nonprofit governance.

Corporate governance.

Project governance.

15-What are the three types of e-government services?

There are three general types of e-Government systems and services: government to government (G2G), government to citizen (G2C), and government to business (G2B).

16-What are the two main objectives of e-governance?

The two main objectives of E governance is to restore the democracy to its true meaning with the help of improvisation of the participation of the citizen in the governing process by giving feedback and access to information and overall participation of the citizen in the decision making.

17-What are the important aspects of governance?

6.3 The universally accepted features of good governance are the exercise of legitimate political power; and formulation and implementation of policies and programmes that are equitable, transparent, non-discriminatory, socially sensitive, participatory, and above all accountable to the people at large.

18-What are the components of e-governance?

The Components of E-Governance and ICTs:

 These components are participation, transparency and accountability, auditing, information and services delivery, and communication and interaction.

19-What are the 10 examples of governance?

10 good corporate governance examples

So what do corporate governance examples look like? ... 

1) Integrated business management system (IBMS) ... 

2) A documented policy management system. ... 

3) ISO certification. ... 

4) CAPA systems. ... 

5) Routine internal audits. ... 

6) Training management system. ... 

7) Risk management.

8) Supply chain

9) Equipment maintenance schedule

10) Reporting

20-What are the benefits of governance?

7 Benefits of Good Governance for Corporations. The benefits of good governance for any organization cannot be overemphasized.

1-Efficient Processes.

2-Visibility of Errors.

3-Smoother Running Operations.

4-Good Reputation.


6-Financial Sustainability. 

7-Effective Response to External Environment.

21-What are the Principles of Good Governance?

1-Participation, Representation, Fair Conduct of Elections


3-Efficiency and Effectiveness

4-Openness and Transparency

5-Rule of Law

6-Ethical Conduct

7-Competence and Capacity

8-Innovation and Openness to Change

9-Sustainability and Long-term Orientation

10-Sound Financial Management

11-Human rights, Cultural Diversity and Social Cohesion



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What do you understand by business? Describe different types of business activities with examples.