
अप्रैल, 2023 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

ORM in digital marketing: How it helps build a better relationship with your customers

  Have you heard of ORM in digital marketing? Well, if you are a programmer, you may be familiar with ORM as   object relational mapping , but in online marketing, it refers to online reputation management.  You may not have given ORM too much thought in your day-to-day operations. Yet, there is one fact about being a business owner that you cannot ignore, and that is, no matter how good your products or services are, you will get some type of feedback.  In the best-case scenario, you always wish for positive feedback. But, sometimes, there can be negative comments. Feedback that could sound the death knell for your brand. Now, here is where it gets tricky. Sometimes, you may not even know that you are damaging your reputation inadvertently. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is the process of actively tracking, managing, and influencing your organization's reputation in the digital landscape. It involves monitoring mentions of your brand or any negative comments or ...


  What is Managerial Economics? Managerial economics is deemed to apply economic theory and principles to business decision-making. It is concerned with the use of economic analysis for the formulation and solution of business problems. Managerial economics is a relatively new discipline, emerging from the work of economists in the early 20th century who recognised that businesses faced unique decision-making problems that could not be addressed using traditional economic theories. Over time, managerial economics has developed into a distinct field of study with its knowledge and analysis methods. While there is no single definition of managerial economics, it can be broadly described as applying microeconomic analysis to business decision-making. Managerial economists use economic theory and principles to analyse business situations and make decisions about pricing, production, investment, and other strategic issues. Definitions of Managerial Economics L. Pappas and E. F. Brigham ...

Corporate Reputation Management

  Corporate  Reputation : How Does Your  Company  Measure Up? That’s a pretty open-ended question. Particularly if you haven’t taken a serious look at your  company reputatio n  and the perception you’re creating within your office and throughout the public sphere. Below, we look into what reputation really means for your business,  why your corporate image is so important , and how to build the  corporate reputation management  strategy your brand needs to thrive in today’s fast-paced climate. If you are interested in improving your corporate reputation contact  NetReputation.com  today.  What Is  Corporate Reputation ? Corporate reputation  is best defined as the overall quality of your brand’s footprint across every communication channel and each segment of your target audience.  Cultivated over time, your company’s reputation is the sum of how internal and external stakeholders think and feel about your brand...