


 1. In what quantity does a wholesaler buy each?




 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 2. What quantity does the wholesaler each sell?




 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 3. Does a seller trade in commodities?




 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 4. A wholesaler generally sells goods to ……………..

 A. to the consumer

 B. to the retailer

 C. both

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 5. Wholesalers are a link between ……… and …………….

 A. Manufacturer and retailer

 B. consumer


 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 6. Which of the following are the characteristics of a wholesaler?

 A. Buying in small quantities

 B. trading in specific goods

 C. make each sale in bulk

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 7. Which of the following is not a function of a wholesaler?

 A. producing goods

 B. aggregation of objects

 C. Grading of goods

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 8. Wholesaler does not have direct services?

 A. For producers

 B. for retail traders

 C. For Consumers

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 9. Do wholesalers sell goods?

 A. Direct to consumers

 B. Retailers

 C. Traders who buy in bulk

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 10. After studying the following two statements, state which option is correct?

 A. The wholesaler is an agent intermediary

 B. The wholesaler is a merchant intermediary

 a.  only A is correct

 b.  only B is correct

 c.  both are correct

 d.  none of these

 Answer – b

 11. A wholesaler between whom the link is?

 A. producer and consumer

 B. Manufacturer and retailer

 C. Retailers and Consumers

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 12. Those retail traders who do not have any fixed shops of their own and who sell goods by roaming from one place to another are called?

 A. itinerant trader

 B. traders of hands

 C. street vendors

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 13. In which of the following countries departmental stores originated?


 B. America



 Answer – C

 14. What is a large store dealing in retail trade in a variety of goods under one roof called?

 A. general stores

 B. chain stores

 C. departmental stores

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 15. Which of the following are the retail stores of the manufacturers?

 A. Departmental stores

 B. majority shop

 C. super market

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 16. In which country was the birth of trade by post?




 D.United States

 Answer – D

 17. Super market is an example of?

 A. departmental stores

 B. business by post

 C. majority of the shops

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 18. Which of the following is not a characteristic of retail trade?

 A. Retail trade is the sale of goods to consumers

 B. Retailer acts as a link between manufacturers and sellers

 C. Retailers buy and sell goods each in large quantities.

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 19. In the chain of retail trade distribution……….  link?

 A. middle

 B. first

 C. fifth


 Answer – D

 20. Does the retailer sell goods?

 A. Consumers



 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 21. A majority of shops are …………… compared to departmental stores.  Sell ​​items at cost?


 B. high


 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 22. A departmental store is a retail establishment trading on the scale of …….




 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 23. What are majority stores called in the United States of America?

 A. Departmental stores

 B. Trade by post

 C. chain stores

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 22. A departmental store is a retail establishment trading on the scale of …….




 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 23. What are majority stores called in the United States of America?

 A. Departmental stores

 B. Trade by post

 C. chain stores

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 24. Selling goods to a foreign merchant is called?

 A. Import



 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 25. By whom are majority of the shops opened and run?


 B. consumers


 D. none of these

 Answer – A




 1. What are the documents used in the bill of lading?

 A. Foreign trade

 B. domestic trade


 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 2. Sending an order directly to a foreign manufacturer for importing goods is called?


 B. Mandate


 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 3. An agreement to hire complete tests for sending goods abroad is called?

 A. ship billet

 B. Charter Bill


 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 4. The ship is transferred by the owner of the billet?


 B.shipping company


 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 5. Which of the following is a document of title to goods?

 A. ship billet

 B. Certificate of Origin

 C. Captain's Receipt

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 6. What is issued by the shipping company when the entire vessel is chartered?

 A.ship order

 B. Charter Party

 C. Captain's Receipt

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 7. What is the meaning of order letter?

 A. Order sent directly to manufacturer

 B. Order sent through export agent

 C. Order given by the shipping company to the captain of the ship

 D. none

 Answer – B

 8. Who issues the Captain's Receipt?


 B. importer

 C. Shipping company to the captain of the ship

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 9. How many copies of ship bills are made?




 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 10. "Finance is the name of the art and science of receiving and spending money".  Is this the definition?

 A. Good Man

 B. Hastings

 C.Rajesh Kumar

 D. Rahman

 Answer – B

 11. What are the aspects of finance from managerial point of view?

 A. Receipt of Funds

 B. Expenditure of funds

 C. Rationing of Funds

 D. none of these

 Answer – D

 12. Finances are concerned?

 A. currency

 B. Expenditure of funds

 C. monetary resources

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 13. Equity share is called?

 A. Risk capital

 B.venture capital

 C. Ownership capital

 D. none of these

 Answer – D

 14. The share of a company whose financial condition is very strong is called?

 A. growth factor

 B. preference share

 C. Blue Chips Fraction

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 15. The specialty of the letter of credit is that it –

 A. Long term loans are

 B. Interest is paid on these

 C. They can be bought or sold in the market

 D. all of the above

 Answer – D

 16. The market for short term loans is called?

 A. short notice credit market

 B. acceptance market

 C. discount market

 D. money market

 Answer – D

 17. The bill on which no approval is required is called?

 A. bill of exchange heart

 C. Treasury Bill

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 18. Commercial banks are required to maintain their S.L.R.  The market which helps in meeting the expectations of the people is called?

 A. discount market

 B. Bill Bazar

 C. short notice subsidiary market

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 19. Commercial paper started in India?





 Answer – B

 20. Are IBCs issued in India?

 A.Since 1951

 B.since 1950

 C. both a and b

 D.for 10 days

 Answer – C

 21. Which of the following is not a part of capital market?

 A. old capital market

 B. new issue market

 C. best security

 D. commercial paper market

 Answer – D

 22. What is the old issue market called?

 A. Securities Market

 B. primary market

 C.stock exchange

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 23. Paperless training started in India?

 A. Since the inception of CDSL

 B. since the establishment of NSDL

 C. From the establishment of UTI

 D. both a and b

 Answer – D

 24. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

 A. The capital market in India is controlled by the capital issue regulator

 B. G.D.R.  the dollar is the dominant instrument

 C. SEBI was given statutory status in 1992

 D. NSE has established NCC

 Answer – A

 25. Which of the following are the factors leading to increase in the value of securities?

 A. economic prosperity

 B. Issue of Debentures

 C. Political Movement

 D. increase in bank rate

 Answer – A



 1. Does a partner have implied rights?

 A. To acquire fixed assets on behalf of the firm

 B. To admit a partner on behalf of the firm

 C. To take loan on behalf of the firm

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 2. What is meant by Limited Partnership form of business organization?

 A. The liability of all the partners is limited

 B. The liability of some partners is limited

 C. To take loan on behalf of the firm

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 3. Limited Partnership Organization Method –

 A. legally acceptable in India

 B. Not legally acceptable in India

 C. Perfection prevails in India

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 4. If a firm is not registered with the Registrar of Firms –

 A. The firm cannot sue the partners

 B. Partners can sue against the firm

 C. Partners can file suit against third parties

 D. all of these

 Answer – A

 5. A nominal partner –

 A. does not have the right to share in the profits of the firm

 B. is not liable for the acts of other partners

 C. is not liable to third parties

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 6. A company is called an artificial person because –

 A. It does not exist as a natural person

 B. It is invisible and intangible

 C. It exists only in the eyes of law

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 7. A promoter is a person who –

 A. Attends company's conference

 B. is an operator

 C. is a relative of the Managing Director

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 8. Can a private company start business?

 A.any time

 B. After making the certificate of incorporation

 C. After obtaining the certificate of commencement of business

 D. all of these

 Answer – B

 9. Registration of Joint Stock Company –

 A. mandatory


 C.not necessary

 D. all of these

 Answer – A

 10. What should a private limited company do?

 A. Prospectus must be issued

 B. neither issue return nor file statement in lieu thereof

 C. Details must be filed

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 11. A private company is one where –

 A. There are restrictions on transfer of shares

 B. Shares can be bought and sold on the stock exchange

 C. There is no restriction on transfer of share

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 12. Which of the following documents defines the scope of activities of a company?

 A. Councilor Limit Rules


 C. principles and rules

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 13. Table 'A' of Schedule I of the Indian Companies Act illustrates the pattern?

 A. Description

 B. Councilor Limit Rules

 C. public limited companies


 Answer – C

 14. Must a prospectus be issued?

 A. Within 90 days of its registration

 B. Within 30 days of registration

 C. immediately after registration

 D. all of these

 Answer – A

 15. A company is deemed to be registrar when –

 A. She obtains a certificate of incorporation from the Registrar of Companies

 B. She obtains a certificate of commencement of business from the Registrar of Companies

 C. She actually starts the business

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 16. Who among the following can become the director of the company?

 A. a particular person

 B. a firm

 C. a issued body

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 17. Which of the following is the highest administrative organ of the company?

 A. shareholder

 B. Managing Director

 C. Board of Directors

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 18. What is the minimum requested capital to be obtained?

 A.Within 60 days 10 days

 C.50 days

 D.90 days

 Answer – B

 19. Which one of the following securities is not callable?

 A. Equity Share

 B. preference share

 C. debenture

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 20. Which of the following securities are not proprietary securities?

 A. Equity Share

 B. preference shares

 C. debenture

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 21. In which of the following the assignment of copyright is full of risk?

 A. Equity Share

 B. debenture

 C. preference shares

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 22. In respect of which the rate of interest or dividend is not fixed?

 A. Preference share

 B. debenture


 D. equity share

 Answer – D

 23. Which of the following is paid last in respect of a company?

 A. Preference share

 B. debenture

 C. equity share

 D. all of these

 Answer – C

 24. Under which of the following circumstances the court can issue an order for compulsory winding up of the company?

 A. If an error has been made in calling the statutory meeting and filing the statutory report with the registrar of companies

 B. If the number of members is less than 7 in a public company and 2 in a private company

 C. In both the above situations

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 25. The liability of the shareholders of a public company is limited?

 A. Up to the paid up value of the shares

 B. up to the amount called

 C. up to the nominal value of the shares

 D. none of these

 Answer – B



 1. Majority of the shops sell ………….type of items?

 A. only one



 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 2. Super markets sell goods at …….. prices from the markets.

 A. affordable



 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 3. Retailers only……….  Who do you provide service to?


 B. consumer


 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 4. Only ………… are sold at the majority of the shops?

 A. Cash

 B. Borrowing


 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 5. Do wholesalers sell merchandise?

 A. Direct to consumers

 B. Retailers

 C. Consumers

 D. by post

 Answer – B

 6. Provides financial assistance to producers?




 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 7. Do wholesaler business?

 A. in different things

 B. in specific items

 C. in industrial goods

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 8. Capital required for Wholesaler?

 A. small amount

 B. in nominal quantity

 C. in large quantities

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 9. Control the price fluctuations?




 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 10. Works for storage of goods?


 B. producer


 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 11. Large quantity credit seller?



 C. producer

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 12. Makes less profit per unit?


 B. producer


 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 13. Wholesaler to be removed?


 B. desirable

 C. undesirable

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 14. Wholesaler's services are not available?

 A. For Retailers

 B. For producers

 C. For Consumers

 D. none of these

 Answer – C

 15. In which of the following countries did departmental stores originate?


 B. England

 C. America


 Answer – A

 16. Departmental stores are most popular?




 D. America

 Answer – D

 17. Available at most stores?

 A. Uniformity in prices

 B. Variation in prices

 C. excess of prices

 D. none of these

 Answer – A

 18. Are departmental stores best suited?

 A. for the rich class

 B. For poor class

 C. For middle class

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

 19. Which of the following is a retail organization of manufacturers?

 A. Departmental stores

 B. majority shop

 C. super market

 D. none of these

 Answer – B

20. Does the retailer sell goods?

  A. Consumers

  B. producers

  C. Wholesalers

  D. none of these

  Answer – A

  21. In the field of business, which business has the largest number in India?

  A. Manufacturers

  B. Retailers

  C. wholesalers

  C. none of these

  Answer – B

  22. Whether to conduct audit in private undertaking?

  A. Compulsory

  B. unnecessary


  D. all of these

  Answer – C

  23. Have complete privacy?

  A. in private enterprise

  B. In government undertaking


  D. none of these

  Answer – A

  24. Are government undertakings important to the economy of India?


  B. unnecessary

  C. load


  Answer – A

  25. Professional Management is appointed?

  A. In government undertakings

  B. in video call


  D. all three

  Answer – A



  1. Are essential to business success?

  A. Business personality

  B. business reputation

  C. strong organization

  D. none of these

  Answer – A

  2. What are the main internal causes of failure in business?

  A. enough resources

  B. managerial inefficiency

  C. internal dispute

  D. none of these

  Answer – B

  3. What are the most important issues to consider before setting up a new business?

  A. Determination of size

  B. amount of capital

  C. Choice of business

  D. none of these

  Answer – C

  4. What is the most important quality of a successful businessman?

  A. discipline dear

  B. foresight

  C. spirit of co-operation

  D. none of these

  Answer – B

  5. What are the most important qualities of a successful businessman?

  A. Education

  B. personality

  C. Ability to take initiative and make decisions

  D. none of these

  Answer – C

  6. Is the liability of the owner in Sole Proprietorship?




  D. all of these

  Answer – A

  7. What is the liability of the members in a joint stock company?




  D. all of these

  Answer – B

  8. Are the partners liable in partnership?




  D. all of these

  Answer – A

  9. Is partnership a risky business?



  C. useless

  D. all of these

  Answer – A

  10. Joint Hindu family business form of business organization is found in?

  A. only in India

  B. only in China

  C. only in America

  D. only in Russia

  Answer – A

  11. Which form of business organization is most stable?

  A. Sole Proprietorship


  C. Joint Stock Company

  D. none of these

  Answer – C

  12. Which form of organization would you prefer for the venture business?

  A. Joint stock company


  C. Sole Proprietorship

  D. all of these

  Answer – A

  13. What is the biggest difficulty of solo business?

  A.small size

  B. limited capital

  C. Unlimited Liability

  D. all of these

  Answer – C

  14. Is the liability of Sole Proprietorship limited?

  A. To the extent of the value of the business as well as his personal assets

  B. Capital raised by him

  C. To the extent of the value of the assets in the business

  D. none of these

  Answer – A

  15. Sole Proprietorship is best when –

  A. Requires less capital

  B. need more capital

  C. Capital is not required

  D. none of these

  Answer – A

  16. Is the scope of business sole proprietorship?



  C. is widespread

  D. all of these

  Answer – A

  17. Is Sole Proprietorship the future of India?

  A. is bright

  B. not good

  C. useless

  D. no future

  Answer – A

  18. Can a partnership come into existence?

  A. By agreement only

  B. By heir to the property

  C. by written certificate

  D. all of these

  Answer – A

  19. A manager who has a profit share?

  A. Only the employees of the firm

  B. can become a partner by operation of law

  C. Can become a partner by position

  D. none of these

  Answer – A

  20. What is the liability of a minor partner?



  C. does not happen

  D. not necessary

  Answer – B

  21. Only a nominal partner?

  A. does not have the right to share in the profits of the firm

  B. not liable for the acts of other partners

  C. is not liable to third parties

  D. none of these

  Answer – A

  22. What are the rights of preference share holders?

  A. does not have the right to vote

  B. has the right to vote

  C. can be both

  D. none of these

  Answer – A

  23. The Companies Act was first made in India?





  Answer – A




इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट



What do you understand by business? Describe different types of business activities with examples.