Questions and Answers asked in Digital Marketing during Interview or Oral Test

 Questions and Answers asked in Digital Marketing during Interview or Oral Test


 In today's time everyone wants to get a good job and for this it is very important to create a good profile because on the basis of this you can get a good job.  Today most of the jobs come out in digital marketing and many people want to make their career in it.  Yes, in this profile today jobs keep coming out in many places and at the same time good salary is also available.  So today in this article you will know about the interview in digital marketing, what is it and what is asked in its interview.

 Abbreviations used in digital marketing

 So let's know what it is and how questions are asked in its interview and their questions and answers.

 1-What is Digital Marketing?

 Digital marketing, which is a method of marketing which is done using digital technology.  In this, you can market your product through different mediums such as search aids, display aids, mobile phones etc.

 Digital marketing can be done by anyone who has knowledge of marketing and online marketing.  There are different types of profiles like digital marketer, online marketer, social media marketer, content marketer, copywriter, etc.  And you can do job on profile on any of these profiles.

 2- Where is the reach of digital marketing?

 Digital marketing is a very good and growing field in today's time and its need will keep on increasing in the coming days.

 The digital marketing industry is spread from India to all over the world.  In the last few years, there has been a lot of development in digitalization in India and hence the demand for jobs related to digital fields is also increasing.  According to a survey, the job of digital marketing in India has increased manifold this year as compared to last year.  In the coming times, the scope of digital marketing will increase even more with Digital India.  And mainly companies and businesses will take the help of digital marketing for marketing their products.

 3-How to become a successful digital marketer?

 Now the question is, do you also want to become a great digital marketer?  If yes, then we will do our best to help you.  To become a digital marketer, first of all you have to make a good resume / CV whether you are fresher or experienced.  Here you can know how to make a good resume/CV.


 If your resume is ready, now the next step is to prepare for the interview for digital marketing.  Generally questions are asked from basic level to advanced level for the profile of a digital marketer.  In this blog, with the help of reliable resources, we have prepared basic level questions to advanced level questions and their answers.  So let's know what is asked in the interview of digital marketing and how to prepare for it.

 Q.1) What is Google Search?

 Answer.1) Google search has 3 steps –

 Crawling and Indexing

 Crawling is a process in which crawlers analyze the information of any webpage or any available content in Google's search index.

 search algorithm

 In the search algorithm, the Google ranking system finds and retrieves useful results from hundreds of web pages in a matter of minutes.

 useful response

 In today's world, where there is a lot of variety in internet and content, but by searching Google, you can find good and useful content.

 Q.2) What is a search engine?

 Ans.2) Search engine is a system software which is used for any specific information.  The most used search engine is Google but there is something else like

 duck duck go


 Q.3) What is the role of SEO in Digital Marketing?

 Answer.3) The full name of SEO is Search Engine Optimization and it is called Search System Optimization in Hindi, which increases the visibility of any blog, content, site or page of the search engine.  In another language, SEO is the best strategy to bring your page's ranking to the first page of the search engine.

 For example: You want to know about a certification program.  You typed keywords on Google like certification in digital marketing, digital marketing courses, digital marketing courses and training programs in India.  As soon as you type these keywords, Google will show you many results on the first page, which will have content related to these keywords.  And the content which will not contain these keywords, Google will not show you on the first page.

 Q.4) Where in the website it is necessary to have keywords so that the ranking can be optimized?

 Answer.4) For a good Google ranking these are some areas of the website where keywords are necessary –

 Keywords in h1, h2

 Keywords in page URL

 keywords in meta tag

 keywords in website title

 Keywords in web page content

 Keywords in image alt tags

 Q.5) What is Google AdWords?

 Answer.5) AdWords is an advertising service for those companies or people who want to show their product on Google.  It works on PPC ie Pay Per Click advertising system.

 Q.6) Explain the term digital marketing?

 Ans.6) Digital marketing is a way in which the brand is marketed using online channels.  There are many methods and techniques in this like SEO, SEM, link building, email marketing, PPC etc.

 Q.7) What are the benefits of online marketing?  Why is online marketing more preferred?

 Answer.7) These are some of the advantages of preferring more online marketing - Online marketing is preferred because you can easily reach any information online to a lot of people.  You can easily communicate your product information to your customers and get feedback.  Apart from this, whenever you want to do a marketing campaign, you can also make changes in it immediately.  Online marketing can be done for very little money.  Also, you can target your audience to a great extent.

 Q.8) How does Google AdWords work?

 Ans.8) Google AdWords generally works as an auction system.  You can run your own ads on AdWords and as soon as someone searches for keywords related to your product, Google will show your ad or, say, the ad at the top of the search result.  Apart from this, AdWords works on the basis of PPC (money per click), that is, as soon as someone clicks on that ad, you will have to pay some money to Google which is deducted from your Google account.

 Q.9) What is web traffic?

 Answer.9) Website traffic is called that which comes to your website for some reason.  Web traffic is measured on the basis of the number of people who see it.  Which we also call sessions and it is a common way to know about any online business.

 Q.10) What should be done to improve traffic on a website?

 Answer.10) To improve the traffic of any website, we have to focus on referring links and SEO.  This will increase our visitors and increase the authenticity of the website.  Apart from this, user retention (keeping the user with you) is also a very important thing.

 Q.11) What is Google AdWords Re-marketing?

 Ans.11) Google AdWords re-marketing is a targeted marketing strategy.  Through this tool, marketers can reach out to those people who have visited our website once.  With re-marketing, we can reach our visitors again and show them our content or product.  When the visitors of re-marketing came to our website but went back, now they give us more information through ads.

 Q.12) How do you keep up with the latest digital marketing trends?

 Answer.12) Generally you can get regular updates of digital marketing through blog or video.  Or you can also take the help of a mentor in this.

 Special Tip – Digital Marketing is a dynamic and evolving field.  That's why it is very important that as a digital marketer, you stay updated with the upcoming trends with the help of blogs, books or websites.  Here we are telling some referrals by which you can keep yourself updated in the digital marketing field by staying connected and you can also tell these referrals in the answer –

 Quick Sprout


 Social media examiner

 Ahref blog

 search engine journal


 Jon Loomer

 Q.13) What are the different ways of doing digital marketing?

 Answer.13) These are some ways to do digital marketing –

 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

 Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

 content marketing

 e-commerce and

 email marketing

 Q.14) What is “Keywords” in Digital Marketing?  What is its importance in SEO?

 Answer.14) Whenever we have to find any useful information, it is the keyword related to that information that we enter in the search engine.  Keywords are very important for SEO and good page ranking.  The placement of keywords is very important in page ranking.

 Q.15) What is PPC?

 Answer.16) The full name of PPC is Pay Per Click.  That is, if we tell it in Hindi, then we will say it in such a way that if someone clicks on the ad, then only the money will be deducted, otherwise not.  This is an advertising technique by which we can directly increase the traffic on the website.  It is also called Cost Per Click.  As soon as the advertiser clicks on the ad of his website, money is deducted from his account.

 Q.16) Name some PPC tools?

 Answer.17) You can name some of the PPC tools given below in the interview –




 Keyword planner

 AdWords Wrapper

 Q.17) What is the difference between SEO and SEM?

 Answer.18) SEO whose full name is (Search Engine Optimization).  It shows your website or blog more on the pages of your website, blog's ranking and search engine results.

 Its full name is SEM (Search Engine Marketing) – When we run the ad of our product or business on any search engine, we call it Search Engine Marketing.

 18.) What are the two pillars of SEO?

 Answer.20) Keywords and link building are two very important pillars of SEO.  SEO can be improved with the help of keywords and link building helps in traffic and ranking of your page.

 Abbreviations used in digital marketing

 There are many such terms used in digital marketing which are abbreviated i.e. it is very important to keep big information in small parts and understand their meaning.  Below we have given some important abbreviations and also given their definitions which are often asked in interviews.

 Q.19) What are the full names of these abbreviations?

 Answer.21) A/B Testing – A/B testing is also called split test and by this process we can run two different types of campaigns for the same objective and decide which campaign was better  .

 B2B (Business-to-Business) – As long as one business sells its product to another business, it is called B2B company.  For example, Salesforce and HubSpot are primarily B2B companies.

 B2C (Business-to-Consumer) – This term is used for companies that sell their products directly to the customers.  For example, Amazon and Starbucks are B2C companies.

 Call-to-Action (CTA) – Call-to-action is a text link, button, photo or web link called to press that takes a visitor to the landing page.  For example "subscribe now" or "request a quote today" is a call-to-action.

 CPC (Cost Per Click) – CPC which can be called money on click in Hindi.  It is related to search engine marketing.  And we can also call it pad advertising.  They deduct money as soon as the click comes for any online pad aids.  This is what we call cost per click.

 CPM (Cost Per Thousand) – CPM is considered to be the unit of buying or selling.  In CPM, M is called Miles, which is counted according to every thousand impressions or views.  For example, if a publisher charges $2.00 CPM for your ad, it means you pay that advertiser $2.00 for that ad for every 1,000 impressions.

 CTR (Click-Through-Rate) – The full name of CTR is Click Through Rate.  CTR is a medium that tells what percentage of people came to your website and then went ahead.  It gives an idea of ​​the success of your advertising campaign.

 KPI (Key Performance Indicator) – The full form of KPI is Key Performance Indicator and it is a method of measuring performance which tells how the performance of any product is doing and business objective is being achieved or  .  Marketers consider KPIs as an important factor in knowing the success of their marketing campaigns.

 ROI (Return on Investment) – ROI is expressed in percentage and is used to evaluate the efficiency and return of an investment.

 The formula to calculate ROI is: (Gain from Investment – ​​the Cost of Investment) divided by (Cost of Investment).

 If there is any negative or negative then it can be said that the company is not able to convert the investment into profit.

 UX (User Experience) – User experience is the user experience.  It tells how right your website is for your users.  Good relationship with the user, purchase, product or service, all these factors matter to the user experience.  To become a good marketer, you should create a good website for your user or keep it in such a way that your customer gets impressed by it.


 Advanced Level Questions and Answers for Digital Marketing Interview

  You have come to know that what and what kind of questions and answers are taken in the basic level interview of digital marketing.  In this way, now you have come to know a lot about how questions are asked.  After this, now it is the turn of the advanced level and in this article you will get complete information about this topic.  On the other hand, if you want to see the previous article, then you are welcome here:- Basic Levels to be asked in Digital Marketing Interview

  Importance of Advance Level in Digital Marketing

  In the preparation of the advanced level, we will tell you what are the questions that will strengthen your knowledge of digital marketing and increase your chances of clearing the interview.

  So let's know why it is important to read this article and why prepare for advanced level digital marketing questions.

  This article will help you prepare thoroughly for the interview.

  With this you will know about the questions based on analysis.

  You will learn about advanced level questions from this, which will improve your knowledge.

  In this article, more focus has been given on technical related questions.

  Digital Marketing Interview Questions – Advance Level

  So let's know about the questions asked in the advanced level of digital marketing and the answers that can be given to them –

  Q.1) What is Responsive Web Design?

  Answer) Responsive web design is a new medium for website design which improves the performance of the web page so that it can get good variety and also can be displayed on desktop mobile and tablet with good user experience.  In this process, we try to improve the experience with the help of mix of flexible layouts, grids images and CSS (Scading Style Sheets) media queries.

  Q.2) What do you know about AMP?

  Answer) AMP whose full name is Accelerated Mobile Pages.  This is an open source library from Google that provides a better way to load web pages easily and in less time.  This has user impact.  AMP is very helpful for publishers and marketers to make web pages fast and good for customers in mobile.

  Q.3) What is a webmaster tool?

  A) Webmaster Tools is a free tool from Google, some of its general advantages are –

  Free data indexing - With data indexing, you can get your website and its related data indexed in Google, so that when someone searches about the query related to your product, then show your website in the result.

  Crawl errors – With crawl error, you can know which URL is Google which is not able to identify or in which there is some problem.

  Search queries – With the help of webmaster, you can also know which keywords people search more.  Then you can also focus on those same keywords.

  External links (Back-links information) – Backlinks which are very important for SEO of your website.  With the help of webmaster, you can also know about new links and download them.

  Website malware errors – The webmaster also takes care of the security of your website.  If ever there is a malware attack on your website, the webmaster notifies you so that you can protect the site from that attack.

  XML Sitemap – With the help of webmaster, you can submit the sitemap of your website to Google.  A sitemap is a roadmap of your website that gives Google information about the important pages and tools of your website.

  Q.4) What is a spider/crawl?

  Answer) Most of the search engines use spiders/crawlers to index your website.  Spiders follow hyperlinks and collect textual and meta information for search engine databases.

  Q.5) How does a crawler/spider move from one website to another?

  Answer) The crawler/spider follows the links which take him from one website to another and that's how he finds your useful information.

  Q.6) What is Robots.txt?

  Answer) Robots.txt is a text file that is used to give instructions to the search engine crawler.  This instruction is given for indexing and web caching, domain, directory or any file of the website.


  analysis based questions

  Well now we know some analysis based questions and their answers –

  Q.7) Who are called "Bad links"?

  Answer) All the type of link given below is called bad link,

  Spam link taken from a blog.

  A link from a non-indexed website.

  - Links that have been purchased.

  - Those links that have come from a website with a low page rank or whose traffic is low.

  Links coming from those websites which are not suitable for your website.

  -Incoming links from link exchange

  -Any link that has been manually taken from the online link directory.

  Q.8) Can you suggest the best way to get natural backlink for website?

  Answer) If your website is new in that case the chances of getting fast and natural links are almost very less.  A common way to get a very natural backlink is to write a guest post.  You can definitely bring some backlinks in it by writing on the category associated with your website.

  Q.9 How can the page rank of a page be increased?

  Answer) Page rank of any page can be improved by building backlinks.  Apart from this, SEO is also very important for the ranking of your page.

  Q.10) What is important: Engagement Rate or Followers and Takes?

  Answer) High engagement rate is a good indication that your followers are interested in your product.  High engagement means users understand your product and want to stay connected with you.  Whereas followers / likes are useful only when those followers maintain engagement with you.

  Q.11) How social media tools can be used for customer service?

  Answer) Social media is a good medium for customer service.  With social media, you can stay in direct connect with your clients.  You can also use analytics for their response.  Apart from this, you can also connect with Influencers.

  Q.12) What according to you is the best element to optimize the conversion rate in PPC?

  Answer) These are some of the elements which help in optimizing the conversion rate in PPC –

  There should be a good relationship between your ad and the landing page.

  Compiling content is very important and it is also important to have relevant keywords on your website.

  Review the design of the landing page.  A good landing page consists of the right color combination, GUI (Graphical User Interface) and layout.

  Your web page registration process should be simple and straightforward.  And apart from this, definitely put a newsletter sign up section.

  Q.13) What is Bidding?  What does the bid depend on?

  Answer) Bid which means how much money you set for your keyword.  There are two types of bids – automatic and manual.

  Automatic Bidding – If you are using automatic service then run your ad, it will automatically bid for the clicks on your keyword/campaign and it also depends on your Quality Score.  Automatic bidding provides maximum clicks for your ad.  However it all depends on your money.

  Manual Bidding – In manual bidding, you yourself decide how much you want to keep the bidding amount.  Your bidding amount decides the reach and impression of your ad.

  Your Ed depends on these few things –

  Quality Score – The Quality Score is a strategy by Google that measures the quality and relevance of your keywords or PPC ads.  The quality score of your PPC ad decides how much your CPC (Cost Per Click) will be.  If said, Quality Score and PPC are inversely proportional, it means –

  Let us tell you that the higher the Quality Score, the lower will be the CPC.

  CTR – whose full name is click through rate, this is a rate that shows which user has seen your ad and who clicked.

  How to find out CTR – Clicks/Impressions = CTR

  Relevance Keyword – It means how much accuracy your keyword keeps from your content.  Also, how many times your selected keyword has been used in the content.

  Landing Page Quality – A landing page is the page where your users land.  The layout of your landing page should be good according to the navigation content and user experience and it decides the quality of that landing page.

  Q.14) How can the loading time of a website be reduced?

  Answer) The loading time of the website depends on these few things.

  How many videos and images are on the page?

  Whether the image is optimized or not, what is the size of the photo and whether it is good or very big, etc.

  Multiple requests to HTTPs (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) must be redacted.

  Cache (data/files stored in your RAM) reduces the speed of your website.  Keeping the cache clear is essential for your website speed.

  Q.15) What do these codes mean – 200/301/307/404/403/503?

  Answer) These codes are called HTTPs codes.  This code tells about the status of the request by the browser.

  200 (OK) – This code means that the status of the request is correct and it is working well.

  301 (Moved Permanently) – This means that the request made has been moved from its correct location to another place forever.

  307 (Temporary Redirect) – This means that a requested document has been temporarily redirected.

  404 (Not Found) – This means that when we click on a link and it is not found, Google tells that what you asked was not found.

  403 (Forbidden) – This means that you could not get access due to the request made from the browser.

  503 (Service Unavailable) – It means that the server is unable to understand your request because either the server is busy or there is a problem of server overload.  So these were some very important questions which are asked in digital marketing interviews.  We answered these questions and answers with the help of good research and advice from digital marketing experts because digital marketing is a very progressive field.

  Apart from this, if you want to know how to prepare for any interview then click here and prepare yourself to crack any interview.  If you have any question related to digital marketing, then you can definitely ask us here or by going to the Facebook button below.



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