What is the future scope of the digital marketing industry?

Marketing is done through digital mediums like the Internet, search engines, social media, blogs, video channels, websites, and applications, which is known as digital marketing. This is the fastest-growing form of marketing owing to its reach, cost-effectiveness, measurability, and accuracy. It is overtaking all marketing platforms and will soon become the primary form of marketing.

Scope Of Digital Marketing For Business:- Businesses in the country are becoming digitally aware, and realizing the potential of digital marketing. Therefore, many of them are investing in digital marketing to have a strong online presence and sell their product and services to potential customers.

Scope Of Digital Marketing For Jobs/Career:- Digital marketing has many different aspects like copy, design, technology, social media, marketing, finance, and business development. Therefore, with the growth of digital marketing, all these aspects will also grow. There will be many jobs available in these sub-sectors, and students can make strong long-lasting careers. Most of the jobs in digital marketing also pay really well.



Digital marketing is an ever-growing industry that is constantly evolving. Here are a few predictions for the future of digital marketing:

1. More and more people will be using digital devices to stay connected and engaged with the world around them. This will drive increased demand for digital marketing solutions that can help businesses keep their customers engaged and loyal.

2. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in digital marketing will continue to grow, resulting in more accurate and personalized recommendations for customers.

3. Virtual reality (VR) technology will become increasingly popular, as it allows users to experience products and services in a new way that is more immersive and engaging than traditional online advertising.

4. The use of blockchain technology in digital marketing will continue to grow, as it provides a secure and transparent platform for transactions between businesses and their customers.

Digital marketing is an ever-growing industry that is constantly evolving, so stay ahead of the curve by staying up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies!



While TV remains a prime advertising medium for many businesses, digital marketing allows companies to reach a global audience online. ... As digital marketing initiatives continue to grow at a brisk pace, the number of jobs in the field is naturally increasing.


The digital marketing industry is a highly growing one in the entire world. It has really burgeoned in the last few years to a greater extent. And why not!

The benefits that this industry has provided to the many businesses belonging to the various industries and sectors out there are numerous.

And not only that, this field has also benefited the needy aspirants who always wanted to pursue a job of their choice, that would meet their creativity needs and help them earn lucrative sums of money through the same.

And digital marketing is exactly about all this.

Future scope of this industry

Considering the current growth rate of the population that is turning towards all the possible online means, be it to stay connected with their near and dear ones, or be it to shop for their favorite things, and even if they wish to earn online. Digital marketing offers you with so many options.

It has really become possible to break all the location barriers owing to the digital marketing efforts and bring people closer to the businesses.

Now, with the growing online population, even the businesses are wanting to reach out to this large set of population which is continuously on the rise.

Also, with the movements like the “Digital India” movement launched by our PM Mr. Narendra Modi, and also because giants like Reliance Jio making the smartphones and internet accessibility and availability cheaper and easier, the digital marketing industry is already on the boost.

According to the reports from Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN), the Digital advertising spends in India are said to grow by a whopping 32% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) by the end of 2021.

With such things constantly boosting the online industry, why would the digital marketing industry stay behind?

Thus, you can expect a major boost in the growth of the digital marketing industry even in coming times.

Having said that, the digital marketing industry is already displaying a steady growth in the number of jobs and demands in the overall marketplace.

You can even say that the number of job openings in this field is truly one of the highest considering the online explosion.

Thus, if we talk about the scope of this industry and making a lucrative career in the same, this is surely the time to enter into the same.

Successful careers viable even in the future

Digital marketing is one such field that lets you choose your favorite career option as per your own choice and interest.

The various careers that you can opt for in this industry are:

Digital marketing specialist

SEM, SMM, SEO, etc. specialist

Content Marketing expert





An entrepreneur, etc.

Thus, you have many options to choose from according to your own interest here.

If you really wish to make a great career in this field, you will have to exceptionally well at the subject and learn it from scratch in a very streamlined and practical approach.



Future scope of the digital marketing industry?

Digital marketing is growing day by day and it will be always on the boom. Digital Marketing guarantees great returns on investment on investment. It perfectly fits with the current needs of all business industries be it small or large. I believe digital marketing has everything to do with the client and it's the ease for the digital marketer to perform tasks. These factors bring digital marketing to the top. As a digital marketer, you need to acquire digital skills, which are changing day by day. I believe digital marketing is the future, and there are huge opportunities for people who are skilled in this area.

SOURCE: augurian

Digital Marketing is a branch of marketing that uses digital channels to reach customers. With the advent of the internet, this has become very common. Digital Marketing is the process of promoting businesses and brands by using different forms of digital media. It involves internet marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing and mobile app marketing. Digital Marketing is the future of marketing because it is the easiest way to reach potential customers. Just like TV and Radio, the internet is simultaneously available to everyone with a computer or a mobile device. With Digital Marketing you can target consumers, on a global scale.

Digital media has become a powerful channel for marketers who are looking to leverage the investment in traditional media and who are looking to reach new customers. Also, digital media is highly measurable and is expected to continue to grow as advertisers and agencies look for better ways to reach customers.

The most exciting part of digital marketing is that it is the only field that is growing dramatically. In fact, most traditional marketing methods are struggling to find the right place in the digital marketing sector. Marketing is continuously changing to suit the demands of the consumers. As consumers grow more tech-savvy and sophisticated, they demand ever more customized and one-on-one personal service. Every business will be marketing savvy as technology grows more and more interactive.

The digital marketing industry has grown by leaps and bounds in the last decade. Businesses have begun to understand that a strong digital marketing strategy is necessary to stay in the game. Digital Marketing provides the entire 360° view of the customer. This helps the businesses to analyze the customer needs and fulfil the specific requirements. This way the businesses are able to capture the maximum market share and push the competition out of the way.

The future scope of the digital marketing industry is tremendous. Today, people spend more time on mobile and tablets than on desktops. So the scope of digital marketing is increasing day by day.



Digital marketing has been growing really fast for a lot of years now. We are going to see more experiential marketing coming in, which is going to have a digital format. This industry is dynamic in nature, every day some new update comes, which encourages every marketer to be aware of the changes happening in the market.

Like big brands, small businesses are also going to use an omnichannel marketing strategy. This will help them to evaluate their customer preference precisely.

We would see a lot of marketing spaces and new techniques being used for spreading brand awareness. I think the future scope of digital marketing is very bright because people are using the digital platform at a large scale to interact with each other and pursue other activities. It means the range of audience is going to increase in the near future which will be helpful for several businesses to find their potential audiences.



 Reasons Why Future of Digital Marketing in India is Very Bright

Future of Digital Marketing in India is very bright

India, a densely populated country with a population of 1,339,180,127 (as of July 2017) ranks second in the world.There are ample opportunities that are created every minute for the people. And when we say digital marketing, then note that the future of digital marketing in India and the scope of digital marketing in future is going to get brighter in the coming years.  A mobile phone has become the basic need for everyone.

Even if your mother wants to try out a new recipe, she definitely uses YouTube to take the jot down what is needed and how it is to be done. And when it comes down to the business, no doubt the trend of digital marketing is on the boom.

Everyone wants to market their products and services through the internet to increase the reach. Compared to traditional marketing these are some key benefits which make this marketing strategy more effective and affordable.

According to a survey (by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI)), India will have around 500 million internet users by June 2018. This will create a fascinating business opportunity to sell services and products to a growing population of tech-savvy internet users.

Let’s list down the top 10 reasons as to why the future of digital marketing is going to be bright in India.

1. Drastic changes in traditional marketing

2. Digital is the new name

3. Government’s “Digital India” initiative backs up

4. Reaching global markets

5. Institutions coming up with Digital Marketing courses

6. Small towns getting digitally equipped

7. Affordable

8. Higher engagement rate

9. Growth in the number of internet users

10. Increased digital classifieds market revenue

1. Drastic changes in traditional marketing

The previous traditional set of marketing was limited to door to door and mouth publicity. Previously the marketers were using physical manpower to promote their products. But now with the changing times, people want everything at their fingertips.

And fulfilling the needs of the customers is the highest priority of every business. So the trend of digital marketing took off a few years back. Now that even the smallest thing can be found on the internet. People and the marketers are really going gaga over this digital marketing trend.

drastic changes in traditional marketing

How was the marketing for real estate earlier? It was mostly through print media or banners. But now, all the real estate giants are preferring the digital platform to market their blissful homes to their customers. Making the content engaging is now their mantra to succeed.

If we look at the above screenshot of Hiranandani’s Facebook page then it is clearly visible that the real estate giant is targeting people with real-time pictures. If people are able to see the exact pictures of the product, they would intend to buy it.

In this way, we all can clearly see the difference of how the traditional marketing has seen a drastic change. And it has been taken over completely by digital marketing.

2. Digital is the new name

Everyone in the country is preferring digital marketing over everything else. Even the startups are launching their business via digital marketing. This platform eases the process of every business. The company doesn’t have to deploy the manpower to go physically into the market and promote the product.

It offers a wide range of economical, powerful and contemporary mechanisms and mediums of marketing. Every type of product and service is now opting for the option of digital marketing.Because they know that this is the proven platform. Right from tech giants to hoteliers are on the digital platform.

digital marketing preferred by all

It is not that the business owners are promoting their product always. They try to engage with their audience through various facts. Above is the screenshot of a famous Pav Bhaji joint in Nashik, Maharashtra. Being a small scale hotelier, they are choosing the digital marketing option to reach out to a larger bunch of people. This is not by informing the audience about their product. But instead, they have posted some engaging content that would interest the viewers. Thus, such kind of tricks is working a lot for the marketers these days.

3. Government’s “Digital India” initiative backs up

In order to transform the entire ecosystem of public services through the use of information technology, the Government of India has launched the Digital India programme with the vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.

Now, the opportunities are not only available in metro cities but also in small towns. The government has also come up with the application for Employment programs. Everything is going digital these days. Thus, if we talk about, digital marketing career in India, then you are at the right place. Stop debating over the choices and get to know what benefits it holds.

government's success in digital marketplace


The government’s e-marketplace is also seeing a considerable rise in its e-marketplace analytical graphs. All the registrations have gone up with minor fluctuations. The fluctuations happen at every place. People in India are getting to the technology slowly and it is going to take some time to get acquainted with it.

All of this means that if the government is also giving a helping hand, then why to avoid it! Government is coming up with many projects under digital India initiative for the youths of the country.

Indian Prime Minister announced that by 2020 on the digital space there would be more than 20 Lakhs available to students. Moreover, during the launch of Digital India week many industries joined hands with the government to make e-India a reality.

4. Reaching global markets

Today, it is said that “Being Digital is Being Global”. And this is the reality. Through digital platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, one can reach to the audience of any corner of the world. The reach of these social media platforms is so huge that you can connect with almost everyone now.

In India, many people are doing business whose target audience is the USA only. So anything is possible with social media. many companies from the USA also prefer Indian Digital Marketing Agencies to plan out their social media campaigns.

In other words, there’s a lot happening in India’s digital marketing space. Many people are talking about it and searching for it as well.

5. Institutions coming up with Digital Marketing courses

Many institutions are nowadays introducing degree courses in digital marketing that has a practical approach. The academic courses are residential and online both.

digital marketing courses

Mudra Institute of Communication is India’s topmost college to learn communication. The college is offering a certification program in digital marketing. Also, it offers courses in branding and advertising. There are many other colleges who are coming up with a curriculum that involves digital marketing.

Even many digital marketing agencies now have their own academy where they teach digital marketing to the prospective students. It is as simple, when there is demand, there has to a proper supply. The demand for digital marketing is on the rise and those who know are coming up with ideas to train the students.

6. Small towns getting digitally equipped

Metros are already a part of the digital economy. But now as the scope of digital marketing is increasing, the towns and cities are also getting highly connected with digital mediums.

Many startups are getting launched in small cities and they are reaching the global audience via social media.

If we take an example of online portal ScoopWhoop, it was started by Sattvik Mishra and 5 others in August 2013 in Delhi. But the way they were writing their content and posting it on social media made them starts overnight. Everyone in the country is a fan of content that this web portal is generating. They are completely accomplished on social media today with more than 1000 likes on each post.

small town startup


7. Affordable

Comparing it with other marketing platforms, digital marketing is one of the most affordable media to promote the product. Gone are the days when one was spending thousands and lakhs n getting the ad printed in the newspaper. With digital media, it has become so easy. If you are a real estate company, you can promote your new project on social media by reaching thousands of people at one time.

Creating an ad on Facebook hardly costs around ₹40 per day, which is nothing. Average cost per click is ₹0.52 to ₹2.3. Spending lakhs of rupees on a single ad and spending just ₹40 per day can give good results.

Many industries and new start-ups, all are heavily investing in the digital marketing activities. They are looking for people who can devise and implement digital marketing strategies that suit their needs.

8. Higher engagement rate

Since people are heavily using social media for everything, the engagement rate ought to be higher. People need quality content for updating themselves and getting entertained. So it is the responsibility of the digital marketers to generate content that engages the audience.

swiggy engagement

The online food delivery service, keeps its audience engaged all the time by posting creative content on the Facebook page. Their page is all about food but they make it so creative that one cannot scroll it down without hitting the like button.

So the bottom line is, if you are creative, you will be a big hit on the digital platform.

9. Growth in the number of internet users

growth in number of internet users

The above graph clearly says everything. People using the internet in 2015 were 259 million which go up to 331 million in 2017. It has been predicted that the number internet users are to get doubled by 2022. This is because, the rate in which the country is growing in terms of everything, people will be heavily dependent on the internet in the coming years.

10. Increased digital classifieds market revenue

It has also been predicted that the revenue generating from digital classifieds is going to be five times more than it was in 2015. In the financial year 2020, the highest revenue will be around ₹23 billion.

highest revenue

All the revenues will be doubled by 2020 in the field of digital marketing. Therefore, in order to put yourself in the driving seat, all the Indian business have to be well-worse with digital marketing in order to represent the country in the global marketplace. Not only businesses but the candidates who are looking for a career opportunity in this field can finds lakhs of jobs in almost all the cities.

The scope is wider when it comes to digital marketing. Digital Marketing will remain as the most powerful way of Marketing in the future.  But as the dynamics of digital marketing is changing every day, a digital marketer has to be agile, alert, smart and adapt to latest changes. Not only that, digital marketer of today and tomorrow will have to anticipate changes and implement it way earlier than the change actually happens so take advantage of it.

So if you are thinking ought to or not no, it’s indeed right time for you to go digital!


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