Types of Online Advertising

 Types of Online Advertising


9 of the Most Popular Types of Online Advertising


As the internet evolves, so do online advertising options. In fact, today, there are many different types of advertising that you can integrate into a digital marketing strategy. As the landscape of digital advertising changes, it is important to stay up to date on the latest trends, techniques, and strategies. These different online advertising options can be combined to form a 360° campaign, or they can be used individually. 


If you want to learn about both the different types of online advertising and the different advertising campaign formats you can use, keep reading!


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Types of Online Advertising


Types of Online Advertising


1. Native Advertising


This term is associated with a less conventional type of online advertising. It uses a strategy which shies away from banner ads or sponsored content in an attempt to gain a user’s trust by offering them solutions to their problems. There are many tools you can use but the easiest one is creating a blog. In your blog, talk about topics related to your sector, but don't just advertise. Include something useful and interesting for your users. From there, using SEO, email marketing, and lead nurturing, you can successfully offer the right content according to the stage of the sales funnel potential clients are in. The best thing about native advertising is that it is not intrusive and therefore, it's more highly valued by both the general public and people who use ad blockers.


2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing)


With this type of campaign, the goal is to achieve increased brand awareness in a very short time. All it takes is an ad with a title, a description, and a call to action (make sure to rely heavily on the use of keywords). Depending on the quality of the website and the established CPC, the ad will be shown when users type your preselected keywords into a search engine. In this case, a bid (usually) based on CPC is established.


3. Display Advertising


Among the more visual online advertising formats are display ads. They are called 'display ads' because they generally contain images or videos and are published in designated places within any given website, like a blog.

They can be purchased directly or through platforms such as Google Adwords. The cost is estimated by CPC or CPM


4. Mobile Advertising


Although there are different types of mobile advertising, all advertising campaigns should be adapted to mobile platforms, or at least follow a responsive typology which allows pages to be formatted to the size of any given screen. Nowadays, everyone has a phone and/or a tablet that they constantly use. In fact, Google has said that since 2016 mobile traffic has surpassed that of desktop computers. So if you’re still not investing in mobile platforms, it’s time to take the plunge. Not only will you get better reach and an improved user interaction but, you’ll also improve your SEO through Google’s Mobile First algorithm in ads you show on your own website.


5. Social Ads


Social media is an incredibly important part our everyday lives. Therefore, creating ad campaigns on these platforms is necessary in order to generating brand awareness and acquire potential new clients. Thanks to the extensive segmentation possibilities social networks offer, they can also be the perfect places to launch new products/services geared towards very specific audiences. Regardless if your goal is to make conversions or to implement a branding strategy, Social Ads are a great choice!


6. Retargeting and Remarketing


Reminding repeat customers or users who have shown interest in your company, is a solid strategy for making conversions. Remarketing makes your banner appear on whichever website people who previously visited your site go to after (provided that these sites offer remarketing spaces). These types of ads are good for making sales and raising brand awareness, which emphasizes a company’s presence within the consumer’s buying process.

These ads can be purchased through search engine advertising management tools such as Google Adwords. The prices are usually established by CPC metrics.


7. Email Marketing


Email marketing isn’t anything new but it has resurfaced with a renewed efficacy. This type of campaign yields high conversions. Thanks to the many automation tools available, you can get highly profitable conversion. If you consider that getting a new client it is over 7 times more expensive than maintaining a current one, you can be sure that email marketing is a good idea.


8. Digital Signage


Although the name may be not ring a bell, this format is gaining ground. This is the technological evolution of traditional outdoor advertising. It's used on billboards, MUPIs, window displays, bus stops, or any other stand that has a screen. The efficiency of this type of advertising resides in its capability to grab the attention of potential clients during the most mundane parts of their day


9. Video Marketing


Video content is an incredibly entertaining to users, which makes using videos as an advertising strategy a fantastic idea. Another idea is to partner up with YouTubers who feature and discuss your product/service (similar to native advertising). You can also come up with original video content to help you get a better, more organic position on SEO. By sharing these videos, you can gain more direct web traffic and increase your chances of going viral. With videos, there are countless possibilities if you bear in mind that soon an estimated 80% of the internet will be video-based content.

What Are the Benefits of Online Advertising?

The Internet is a crucial part of launching an advertising campaign because more and more people spend an increasing amount of time online. All brands want to have a presence in the digital world, but what are the pros to consider in online advertising?




The ability to segment more accurately online has created more options and channels through which you can reach your target audience. This makes it possible to have a grater impact on them.


Measuring and Tracking


Online advertising campaigns can be easily measured thanks to the tools that exist today. Unlike traditional advertising, where metrics are approximate or are limited to a small proportion of the population, the statistics on online advertising are truly accurate.




Although, as with offline campaigns, the important task of planning your strategy and creating materials may take a while, online advertising can be implemented vey quickly. In just a few minutes, ads can be set up and published on various online media.




One of the characteristics of digital advertising is its flexibility. Images, videos, and text can be used to reach your target audience at any time of day. The possibilities of an ad are immense if it is published on the right network at the right time. When it comes to native advertising, the options are virtually infinite.

All this can be implemented from anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer and the Internet.


Low Cost


Compared to the budget required for high impact offline advertising, the cost of Internet advertising is very low.


Interaction with the Users


The Internet is a medium that allows a high level of interaction with users. Brands not only send messages, but are able to receive comments, likes, questions, etc. from users. This allows for more fluid and quick communication. Although it requires more attention from the company, there are many advantages such as understanding their users' interests, concerns, opinions, etc.


How to Advertise Online


When the time comes to design your company’s advertising strategy, keep in mind that careful planning is a must. Additionally, you should decide which advertising formats you’re going to use and which ones you are not going to use.

Part of this process also involves assigning a percentage of your budget to each format. The ideal scenario would be to carry out an analysis, integrating various advertising avenues in order to increase reach and improve results.

Another important point to consider is measuring the actions each strategy incorporates. For example, you might not get the results you hoped for on one advertising platform, but exceed expectations on another. By carrying out a data analysis, you will able make the necessary budgetary adjustments in order to reorient the investments towards better conversions.

At the end of the day, you always have the option to put yourself in the hands of an experienced, professional advertising agency who can optimize both your budget and your campaigns.



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