Types of Customers and Techniques To Approach Them


Types of Customers and Techniques To Approach Them


A customer is anyone who purchases a good or service from a business or company. There are different types of customers who exist at varying levels of loyalty. If you work in sales, it’s helpful to learn about different types and levels of customers. Gaining this knowledge can help you develop more targeted sales and marketing strategies to increase your selling success rate. 

here, we will discuss the different types of customers and loyalty levels. 


Customer personality types


To properly market a business to customers, you should understand their wants and needs. Customer personality types typically fall into a few categories:




Expressive customers are focused on relationships, the feelings of others and their own experiences. The best way to reach this customer is by providing anecdotal evidence and showing them how choosing your company or product can improve their lives. If you are working in direct sales, you should also share your experience with the product or company. Describe how you use the product at home or how the service has improved your daily life. 

Expressive customers enjoy human interaction and experiences, so the best way to sell them a product is by connecting with them. These customers also make decisions quickly, so try to make a connection as soon as you meet them.  




Driver customers have very strong opinions about the products and brands they choose. These customers are goal-oriented and want to quickly find the right product or service to meet their needs. Like expressive customers, drivers decide quickly. It’s helpful to make a concise, direct sales pitch.

A “just the facts” approach focused on the attributes and success rates of your product or service is likely to be most effective. This customer is also susceptible to the bandwagon approach — they may prefer products that are the most popular and trendy.




Like drivers, analytical customers have little interest in emotional pitches and instead want statistics and facts. This customer is likely to have already performed research on your product. If you work with an analytical customer who does not know much about your product or service, educate them. The best pitch for this customer is one that includes a lot of data and information about the product’s details.


4-Customer levels of loyalty


Aside from customers’ personalities, you should be aware of their loyalty to a service or product. There are six levels of customer loyalty:


5-Wandering customers


Wandering customers, or “window shoppers,” often browse but don’t really have a particular brand in mind. They might not even be looking for a specific product. Instead, these customers are enjoying the shopping experience itself. 

I work in a brick-and-mortar store, you might attract some of these customers by having an appealing storefront in a busy area. You should also make sure your store or website has a stylish layout and that items are easy to find. You should also make sure you are friendly and knowledgeable about the products to help customers if they have questions. 


6-New customers


Like wandering customers, it is impossible to know if new customers will stay loyal to your brand long term. However, all customers begin as new customers, so you should always pursue new leads to grow your company’s business. The key with these customers is to keep in contact after the transaction is complete. You can ask for feedback on the product and ensure they stay satisfied long term. 


7-Need-based customers


Unlike wandering customers, need-based customers seek a specific product. They shop for a purpose and will make their final decision quickly, usually completing research before shopping. Need-based customers are not typically loyal to a particular brand—they want the best product to meet their needs. You can attract these types of customers by making your pitch clean and succinct. Similar to driver and analytical customers, results-driven advertisements are usually most effective.


8-Impulse customers


Impulse customers typically begin their shopping experience by casually browsing. These customers aren’t loyal to a specific product or brand because, unlike analytical customers, they don’t usually have a brand or product in mind. 

You can attract these customers with competitive pricing and attractive packaging and keep them by providing a good product. You should also make sure that the purchasing process is clear and seamless. The transaction should be complete before they have time to reconsider. 

This strategy applies to brick-and-mortar stores but is especially useful for online businesses. Many online retailers use one-click purchasing for this reason. 


9-Discount customers


These customers enjoy finding the best deal for different products. Although most discount customers feel like they’re taking advantage of the retailer by buying merchandise for a reduced price, they play an important role in clearing out the business’s old inventory. Clothing and seasonal stores benefit from attracting discount customers. 

These customers are usually easy to attract — provide the best deal on the market, make the terms and conditions of your sales clear and make coupons easy to find and use. This customer also loves convenience, so make your coupons available on a phone application. If you regularly send coupons, discount customers will not need much convincing to join your mailing list.


10-Loyal customers


Businesses typically need repeat customers—and by customers who don’t shop with or purchase services from the competition. Loyal customers can also help attract other customers to your brand.

The best way to make a customer stay loyal to your brand is to sell a good product or provide the best services on the market. Competitive pricing and posting regular advertisements about sales are also important. 

Once a customer has become invested in your brand, you can also use the relationship to improve your business. Repeat customers often have good ideas about how you can improve your store, website or services. Send out surveys to customers on your mailing list, asking them what changes they’d like you to make. Acting on your loyal customers’ suggestions makes it more likely that they will continue to shop with you and that you’ll be able to convert other customers to your brand.



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