Research Report Writing and Presentation



Research Report Writing and Presentation


The results of the research have to be presented in the form of a report or a presentation.

The key elements in a research project are:

i. Title page- containing the topic of the research study, time of the study, to whom is the report being submitted to and by whom has the research been done.

ii. List of contents- containing a detailed list of the contents of the report along with page numbers, list of tables and list of figures in die report.

iii. Preface- comprising outline of clients’ brief, statement of objectives, scope and methods of research.

iv. Executive summary-comprising a summary of conclusions and recommendations. The purpose of the executive summary is to summarize the key issues and findings of the report for executives who do not have the time to read the complete report.

v. Previous related research- detailing how previous research has had an influence on this research. This section should list out the methodology, context, results and conclusions of related researches done earlier to provide a relevant perspective for the present study.

vi. Research methods- which explains the methodology used for the purpose of the present research. This includes details about the type of study, sampling issues, data sources, data collection methods, use of instruments, preparation of the instruments and method of administration.

vii. Research findings- which should detail the results of the study according to the objectives with which the study was initiated.

viii. Conclusions- of the study, along with suitable recommendations.

ix. Appendices- including reports, articles, tables and figures that are not directly related to the study, or can interrupt the flow of the report, though they are useful as background information.


Key Elements of a Research Report


The report should be written in the language which the reader will understand. Jargon should be avoided.

The most important parts of the report are the findings and conclusions based on the survey. These should be presented in a clear and lucid manner. 

As far as possible, the results should clearly point to some outcomes or suggestions that can help the management in taking decisions or solving the problems that were outlined in the objectives of the study. Sometimes results may point towards additional research being required.



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