

  INTERNATIONAL MARKETING RESEARCH 1.   Learning Objectives:   After completing this, module students will be able to:   i.   Understand the meaning and concept of International Marketing Research ii.  Understand the evolution of marketing research iii. Know about the nature and objectives of International Marketing Research and also iv.  Understand the importance of International Marketing Research   2.   Introduction:  The fundamental objective of MNCs is to achieve its goal by satisfying the needs and wants of the consumer from different countries. In this context marketing attains the core position in the international business operations and its activities. The complexity in the marketplace has increased many folds in recent years and related decision making also has got complex. This dynamism of the market affects marketing continuously because of the continuous change in the international business environment. The decision maker is finding it difficult to take decision in today’
WRITING A MARKETING RESEARCH REPORT Learning Outcomes After completing this module, you will be able to: Discuss the main elements of a clear, accurate, and complete research report Explain the purpose of the Executive Summary Outline the elements of an Executi ve Summary Explain what makes a good oral report Discuss how oral reports are different from written reports List the different types of charts and tables that are used in research reports   The Research Report What is the Research Report A research report is an oral or written presentation to management detailing a research project's objectives, methodology, findings, and recommendations. Typically, written reports are more detailed that an oral report, which presenters usually deliver in an hour or an hour-and-a-half. Objectives of the Research ReportT he objective of a research report is to provide a clear, accurate and complete report of the research project. It should help clarify the research issues so management can u

Importance of Project Work in Institutions

  Importance of Project Work in Institutions Introduction Education is a lifelong journey. It is a way to understand the world around us and connect with it on a practical level. Anything that aids and abets that process can be considered an elementary tool in the long-winded leadup to it. There are several such tools at the disposal of an educational institution today. One of these is the concept of project work.  What is Project Work? Project work can be defined as a method of learning that involves learning through tangible means like doing individual research and presenting it in a certain way. It inculcates, promotes, and upholds the principles of learning through experience and experimentation. Project work can be seen as the experiential learning process in action - a sort of experience that is both holistic as well as educational in the right context and when used right. A lot of students, however, find it irritating that they have to do project work, especially school students

Mobile Marketing

  Mobile Marketing Learning Objectives By the end of this chapter, you should be able to: Explain  how to to develop a mobile marketing strategy Describe  several mobile-specific content options Identify  key factors that are unique in mobile experiences Determine  unique opportunities for targeting mobile users Mobile Marketing Strategy Mobile marketing  refers to those activities that use and leverage mobile devices, e.g., tablets, phones, or watches, to connect with target audiences and to promote a brand’s products or services. Before diving into a variety of mobile marketing tactics and activities, let’s first develop a mobile marketing strategy. Your mobile marketing strategy is a subset of your overarching digital marketing strategy. This means your mobile marketing strategies should support and align with both your marketing and digital marketing goals and objectives. That said, since so many people are now accessing the internet using mobile devices, i.e., smartphones and tabl