
MCQs on Principles of Management

  MCQs on Principles of Management Which of the following is true about Principles of Management? The principles of management are in a continuous process of evolution The principles of management have evolved The principles of management have not evolved None of the above Answer: a Which of the following best describes the Principles of Management? They help managers take decisions while performing managerial functions They denote a cause and effect relationship They are guidelines for further action in management functions All of the above Answer: d The main reason wh Principles of Management do not provide readymade solutions for all management problems is that ________. They act as general guidelines for business-related issues The real business issues are pretty complex The real business issues are very dynamic All of the above Answer: d One good thing about the Principles of Management is that it helps understand the relationship between human and material resources in achiev...

प्रबन्ध : अवधारणा, प्रकृति एवं महत्त्व

 प्रबन्ध : अवधारणा, प्रकृति एवं महत्त्व [MANAGEMENT : CONCEPT, NATURE And SIGNIFICANCE] PART-1/4 ################################## प्रबन्ध एक ऐसा शब्द है जिससे लगभग प्रत्येक व्यक्ति यहाँ तक कि अशिक्षित व्यक्ति भी परिचित है। हम जब सिनेमाघर (Picture-house) जाते हैं. तो देखते हैं कि वहाँ पर एक कमर क बाहर प्रबन्धक या मैनेजर (Manager) की नाम पट्टी (Name Plate) लगी हुई है, जब हम किसा भा बैंक में जाते हैं तो देखते हैं कि यद्यपि बैंक के सभी कर्मचारी एक साथ पास-पास बैठकर अपना-अपना कार्य कर रहे हैं. परन्त एक कक्ष में अलग से एक व्यक्ति बैठा हे से एक व्यक्ति बैठा है एवं उसके कक्ष के बाहर ‘ब्रांच मैनेजर’ या ‘शाखा प्रबन्धक’ की नाम पट्टी लगी हुई है। जब हम कॉलिज में जाते हैं, तो पता चलता है कि उस कॉलिज की प्रबन्ध समिति में अमुक व्यक्ति प्रबन्धक है। किसी होटल में जाते हैं, तो वहाँ पर भी प्रबन्धक नाम का व्यक्ति देखने को मिलता है। किसी कारखाने या अन्य किसी संस्था में जाते हैं, तो वहाँ भी प्रबन्धक या मैनेजर अवश्य होता है। जीवन बीमा निगम के कार्यालय में किसी काम से जाना पड़ जाये तो वहाँ पर भी प्रबन्धक...

SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT- Production and Operations Management MCQs with answers

  Production and Operations Management MCQs with answers ************************************************* Are you a student looking to hone your knowledge in the field of Production and Operations Management? Or perhaps you are a professional looking to refresh your memory regarding concepts you learned in your studies? Regardless of who you are, if you’re searching for multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on the subject, then this article is an excellent resource. In it, you will find a range of MCQs that cover all aspects related to Production and Operations Management. Production and Operations Management ************************************************* What is Production and Operations Management? ************************************************* Production and operations management (POM) is a field of study that deals with the efficient planning, organizing, and controlling of the processes used in manufacturing goods or delivering services. The primary objective of POM is to en...

Supply Chain Management MCQ Questions and Answers

  Supply Chain Management MCQ  Questions and Answers ************************************************* 1-The initial stage of the supply chain process is the _____________. A. Sourcing Stage B. Organizing Stage C. Planning stage D. Directing Stage  Answer C. Planning Stage 2-The term supply chain management was first coined by ______. A. Frankel & Paulraj B. Peter Drucker C. Keith Oliver D. Philip Kotler  Answer C. Keith Oliver 3-In supply chain management, after planning, the next step involves ______________. A. Developing B. Building a strong relationship with suppliers C. Sourcing D. All of the above  Answer D. All of the above 4-In Supply Chain Management, ATP stands for _________. A. Acquire Track & Perform B. Available To Promise C. Active Transport Protocol D. Access To Point  Answer B. Available To Promise 5-The purpose of supply chain management is to_______. A. increase the production level B. manage and integrate supply and demand  ...

Logistics Management MCQ

  Logistics Management MCQ  ******************** *************** *************** **** 1-______ is not a part of basic systems of codifications. a. Alphabetical System b. Numerical System c. Colour Coding System d. None of the above Answer d. None of the above 2-_______ and physical distribution are the two major operations of logistics. a. Supply Chain Management b. Materials Management c. Logistics Management d. None of the above  Answer b. Materials Management 3-Which of the following is not a component of 4PL? a. Control Room (Intelligence) b. Resource Providers c. Information d. Recycling Answer d. Recycling 4-Logistics management is an ______ part of the business and its success. A. minimal B. integral C. unrelated D. None of the above  Answer B. integral 5-Which of the following is not a part of Supply chain Management system? a. Supplier b. Manufacturer c. Information Flow d. Competitor e. Customer Answer d. Competitor 6-_________ includes design and administr...


  RESEARCH TOPICS IN SOCIOLOGY Effects of divorce on children How cross-racial adoption affect children and society? To what extent should parents influence a child’s behavior? How does dingle parenting affect a child? Social programs for children who experience difficulties in communication with parents The changing landscape of gender norms: a sociological perspective on gender identity in modern society. The evolution of the modern family: a sociological investigation into changing family dynamics. Is it possible to raise a healthy child in an unconventional family? Peculiarities of parenting at LGBT families Gender studies for children: should children learn it from childhood or is it too much? Social success middle-class children achieve Sociology of familes and marriage The work of nannies and expectations of employers How to give up helicopter parenting? How did international marriages change within time? How did international marriages influence the national consciousness o...

M. Com I Semester Organizational Behavior

  M. Com I  Semester Organizational Behavior  What is  Organizational   Behavior:  what manager do management functions effective versus successful managerial activities Enter organizational behavior replacing intuition with systematic study there are few absolutes in OB challenges and opportunities for OB Managing workforce Diversity most Important Notes for MCom I semester Organizational Behavior : What is Organizational Behavior?  AI though practicing managers have long understood the importance of interpersonal skills to managerial effectiveness, business schools were slower to get the message. Until the late 1980s. business school curricula emphasized the technical aspects of management, specifically focusing on economics, accounting, finance, and quantitative techniques. Coursework in human behavior and people skills received minimal attention relative to the technical aspects of management. Over the past decade and a half, however, business facu...