

 QUESTION BANK-VOCATIONAL SUBJECT EXAMINATION SESSION-2023   SUBJECT:- DIGITAL MARKETING CLASS-GRADUATION SEMESTER-FIRST COURSE------VOCATIONAL PAPER-1----PRACTICAL/SKILL PAPER NAME-INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL MARKETING ################################## SECTION-A ################################## QUESTION-1-What is the need of Digital Marketing for a business?  किसी व्यावसायिक संस्थान के लिए डिजिटल मार्केटिंग की आवश्यकता बताइए। QUESTION-2- What are the most popular Digital Marketing Channels? डिजिटल मार्केटिंग हेतु सर्वाधिक प्रसिद्ध अथवा मशहूर चैनल के बताइए। QUESTION- 3-What do you mean by customer relationship management? ग्राहक संबंध प्रबंधन से आप क्या समझते हैं। QUESTION-4-Give an example of digital discription of a product. किसी उत्पाद के डिजिटल डिस्क्रिप्शन अथवा वर्णन का उदाहरण दीजिए। QUESTION-5-How is U-TUBE plateform useful for a business? यूट्यूब चैनल किस प्रकार से व्यवसाय के लिए उपयोगी है। QUESTION-6- डिजिटल मार्केटिंग के लिए सोशल मीडिया के किन्ही 5 प्लेटफार्म के ब...

The Questionnaire Development Process

  Questionnaire Design print all Contents Prev     Module 1     |    Module 2     |    Module 3   The Questionnaire Development Process Most marketing researchers follow the following 10-step process when developing questionnaires: Step 1: Determine the Survey Objectives, Resources, and Time Constraints Once the decision has been made to conduct a survey, the marketer and marketing researchers must agree on the survey objectives, or what information the survey is to collect. In addition to establishing the goals of the survey, a budget and timetable must be established. Step 2: Determine How The Questionnaire Will Be Administered As previously stated, marketing researchers can administer surveys in a variety of ways. Researchers administer surveys online, through the mail, on the telephone, or by face-to-face interviews. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses: Face-to-Face Interviews Face-to-...

Questionnaire Design

  Chapter 4: Questionnaire Design Chapter Objectives Structure Of The Chapter The qualities of a good questionnaire Preliminary decisions in questionnaire design Choose the method(s) of reaching target respondents Decide on question content Develop the question wording Disadvantages are also present when using such questions Closing questions Physical appearance of the questionnaire Piloting the questionnaires Chapter Summary Key Terms Review Questions Chapter References No survey can achieve success without a well-designed questionnaire. Unfortunately, questionnaire design has no theoretical base to guide the marketing researcher in developing a flawless questionnaire. All the researcher has to guide him/her is a lengthy list of do's and don'ts born out of the experience of other researchers past and present. Hence, questionnaire design is more of an art than a science. Chapter Objectives This chapter is intended to help the reader to: ·  Understand the attributes of a well-d...