

 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SAMPLE FOR THESIS/DISSERTATION/RESEARCH PROJECT ************************************************* Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. _______ for the continuous support of my Ph.D/research paper study and related research, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis/paper. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my thesis/research paper study. Besides my advisor, I would like to thank the rest of my faculty members of commerce department: Prof. __________, Prof. ___________, and Dr. ____________, for their insightful comments and encouragement, but also for the hard question which incented me to widen my research from various perspectives. My sincere thanks also goes to Dr. _________, Dr. ______________, and Dr. __________, who provided me an opportunity to join their team as intern, and who gave access to the laborat...


 FORMAT FOR PAPER PRESENTATION & VIVA VOCE/ RESEARCH PROJECTS ETC. ************************************************* PAGE-1 ************************************************* COLLEGE SUBJECT TITLE ROLL NUMBER(EXAM) NAME FATHER'S NAME CLASS SEMESTER- SESSION/YEAR NAME & SIGNATURE STUDENTS & SUPERVISOR (S) ************************************************* PAGE -2 ************************************************* TITLE AUTHOR (S) DESIGNATION OF RESEARCHER(S) RESEARCH SUMMARY KEYWORDS ************************************************* PAGE -3 ************************************************* INDEX S. No.--------- Title---------Page Numbers ************************************************* PAGE-4 AND REST/OTHERS PAGES ************************************************* VARIOUS STAGES/STEPS TO WRITE THE RESEARCH REPORTS TITLE AUTHOR (S) DESIGNATION OF RESEARCHER(S)  1. Theme setting  2. Introduction   3. Literature Review  4. Formulation of Problem and Hy...


  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FOR RESEARCH/PHD THESIS AND DISSERTATIONS  ************************************************ The Purpose of Acknowledgements The acknowledgement section of a thesis or dissertation is where you recognise and thank those who supported you during your PhD. This can be but is not limited to individuals, institutions or organisations. Although your acknowledgements will not be used to evaluate your work, it is still an important section of your thesis. This is because it can have a positive (or negative for that matter) influence the perception of your reader before they even reach the main body of your work. Who Should I Acknowledge? Acknowledgements for a PhD thesis will typically fall into one of two categories – professional or personal. Within these categories, who you thank will ultimately be your decision. However, it’s imperative that you pay special attention to the ‘professional’ group. This is because not thanking someone who has played an important ro...


 BUSINESS RESEARCH: DEFINITION, METHODS, TYPES AND EXAMPLES Content/Index Business research: Definition Business research: Types and methodologies Quantitative research methods Qualitative research methods Advantages of Business research Disadvantages of Business research Importance of Business research In the present fast track business environment marked by cut-throat competition, many organizations rely on business research to gain a competitive advantage and greater market share. A good research study helps organizations to understand processes, products, customers, markets and competition, to develop policies, strategies and tactics that are most likely to succeed.In the present fast track business environment marked by cut-throat competition, many organizations rely on business research to gain a competitive advantage and greater market share. A good research study helps organizations to understand processes, products, customers, markets and competition, to develop policies, ...


   ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MANAGERIAL ECONOMIST  Table of Contents Meaning of Managerial Economist Managerial economist is a person who manages business efficiently using various economic theories and methodologies. He supports the management team in better decision making through his analytical skills and specialized techniques. A Managerial Economist is also termed as an economic advisor or business economist. He is responsible for analyzing various internal and external environmental forces that influence the functioning of business organizations. Managerial economist makes several successful business forecasts and updates the management team regarding the economic trends from time to time. Managerial Economist always remains in touch with all the latest economic developments and environmental changes for informing the management. He has an efficient role in earning reasonable profits on invested capital as it supplies all relevant information which helps in making pr...


 MCQ ON BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS  1)   Given Sales in first and second year is Rs 80,000 and Rs 90,000 respectively. Also, profit is Rs 10,000 and Rs 14,000 respectively. What is the break-even point in rupees? a. Rs 10,000 b. Rs 24,000 c. Rs 55,000 d. None of the above ANSWER: Rs 55,000 2)   What will be sales in rupees for desired profit if fixed cost is Rs 30,000, desired profit is Rs 15,000 and P/V ratio is 30%? a. Rs 1,50,000 b. Rs 1,00,000 c. Rs 2,00,000 d. None of the above ANSWER: Rs 1,50,000 3)   What will be sales in units if fixed cost is Rs 50,000, Contribution per unit is Rs 60 and desired profit per unit is Rs 10. a. 6,000 units b. Rs 1,000 c. 1,000 units d. Rs 6,000 ANSWER: 1,000 units 4)   Given fixed costs is Rs 1,00,000 selling price per unit is Rs 10 and variable cost per unit is Rs 6. If fixed cost increase by 10% , B.E.P will  a. Decrease by 2,500 units b. No change c. Increase by 2,500 units d. None of the above ANS...


 M. COM. PREVIOUS-SEMESTER-I PAPER NAME-PAPER PRESENTATION IN SEMINAR & VIVA ************************************************* IMPORTANT POINTS ************************************************* PAPER-5 -CORE PAPER PAPER NAME-PAPER PRESENTATION IN SEMINAR & VIVA MAXIMUM MARKS-100 CREDIT-6 ************************************************* GUIDELINES IN BRIEF ************************************************* 1. Students will be allotted different topics related to the syllabus or commerce field and; will be directed to prepare a Paper/PPT/Poster/Diagram/Graphs etc.  2. These will be presented in departmental seminar organised in college.  3. The presentation will also include an open Viva and will be judged jointly by the college teacher (internal examiner) & the teacher appointed by University (external examiner). 4.  ‘Paper Presentation in Seminar & Viva’ will be assessed jointly by the college teacher (internal examiner) & the teacher appointed b...


MARKETING/BUSINESS RESEARCH- TYPES OF MARKET RESEARCH 1. Brand R esearch.  2. Campaign Effectiveness 3. Competitive Analysis 4. 3.CompetitiveConsumer Insights 5. Customer Satisfaction Research 6. Customer Segmentation Research 7. Product Development 8. Usability Testing OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Don't fall behind. Learn about the types of market research you need to be doing to stay ahead of the game. Create your market research survey Why market research is so important “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.” Doesn’t sound too threatening if you’ve always been successful, right? Wrong. Continuing to do what you’ve always done means you’ll fall behind—and probably fade to darkness—to where all the forgotten brands go. Take Kodak. They were a major player in photography for decades—remember? When digital photography boomed, Kodak kept doing what they always did. Their business floundered and people forgot about them. Well, every...


    SAMPLE OF Ist CHAPTER OF RESEARCH PAPER-CHAPTER NAME-INTRODUCTION  RESEARCH TOPIC-"THE INFLUENCE OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT ON THE SALES OF PRODUCTS" *************************************************   CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1  Background to the Study Studies have shown that in this ever changing and dynamic business environment driven by globalization, service industry needs to develop a good product for the consumer, making the price affordable as well as interact with the customers using a friendly language (Fozia, Shiamwama and Otiso, 2014). This is pertinent because the higher the customers, the higher the sales and in turn the profitability of the company. This is because the quality of the product expected by the customers from the company is very high and it must be of higher quality. To this end, many service industries/organisation engage in stiff competition with one another with a view to satisfying customers’ needs and expectat...

शोध प्रश्नावली बनाने के चरण - STEPS TO CREATE A RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE

 शोध प्रश्नावली बनाने के चरण - STEPS TO CREATE A RESEARCH  QUESTIONNAIRE प्रश्नावली का नियोजन विशिष्ट व व्यवस्थित ढंग से होता है। अत: यह प्रक्रिया अनेक सिलसिलेवार चरणों से गुजरती है, यथा -  1) तैयारी-  इसमें शोधकर्ता प्रश्नावली में सम्मिलित विषय तथा उससे जुड़े अन्य शोधों, प्रश्नों पर विचार-विमर्श करता है। 2) प्रथम प्रारूप निर्माण-  इसके अंतर्गत विभिन्न प्रकार के प्रश्नों को बनाया जाता है यथा प्रत्यक्ष/परोक्ष, मुक्त/बंद, सीमित/असीमित, प्राथमिक/द्वितीयक/तृतीयक इत्यादि।  3) स्व - मूल्यांकन  शोधकर्ता प्रश्नों की प्रासंगिकता, भाषा में स्पष्टता, एकरूपता आदि पर भी ध्यान देता है। 4) बाह्य मूल्यांकन  प्रथम प्रारूप का प्रयोग एक या दो सहयोगियों / विशेषज्ञों को जाँच एवं सुझाव के लिए किया जाता है। 5) पुनरावलोकन  सुझाव मिलने के उपरांत कुछप्रश्न हटा दिए जाते हैं, तो कुछ परिवर्तित कर दिए जाते हैं और कुछ नवीन प्रश्न जोड़ दिए जाते हैं।  6) पूर्व परीक्षण या पायलट अध्ययन  समूची प्रश्नावली की उपयुक्तता को जाँचने के लिए पूर्व परीक्षण या पायलट अध्ययन किया ...


 MCQS ON SAMPLING METHODS Sampling is defined as a technique of selecting individual members or a subset from a population in order to derive statistical inferences, which will help in determining the characteristics of the whole population. There are various methods of sampling, which are broadly categorised as random sampling and non-random sampling. Following are some of the sampling methods multiple choice questions and answers that will help the students in brushing up their understanding of the concept of sampling methods. Q1. Of the following sampling methods, which is a probability method? a) Judgement b) Quota c) Simple random d) Convenience Answer: c Q2.Which among the following is the benefit of using simple random sampling? a) The results are always representative. b) Interviewers can choose respondents freely. c) Informants can refuse to participate. d) We can calculate the accuracy of the results. Answer: d Q3. Increasing the sample size has the following effect upon ...


 MCQS ON SAMPLING METHODS Sampling is defined as a technique of selecting individual members or a subset from a population in order to derive statistical inferences, which will help in determining the characteristics of the whole population. There are various methods of sampling, which are broadly categorised as random sampling and non-random sampling. Following are some of the sampling methods multiple choice questions and answers that will help the students in brushing up their understanding of the concept of sampling methods. Q1. Of the following sampling methods, which is a probability method? a) Judgement b) Quota c) Simple random d) Convenience Answer: c Q2.Which among the following is the benefit of using simple random sampling? a) The results are always representative. b) Interviewers can choose respondents freely. c) Informants can refuse to participate. d) We can calculate the accuracy of the results. Answer: d Q3. Increasing the sample size has the following effect upon ...


 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY MCQ QUESTIONS SET-1 1. In “RESEARCH”  “R” means (A) Role (B) Retain (C) Relly (D) Round Answer (B) Retain 2. In the word “RESEARCH”  “A” means (A) Articulate (B) Artist (C) Article (D) None of the above Answer (A) Articulate 3. Research is derived from (A) Latin (B) Indian (C) Greek (D) Japanizes Answer (A) Latin 4. Who defined “Research” as “systematized effort to gain new knowledge” (A)Tom & Zerry (B) Redman and Mory (C) F.W Taylor (D) Ross Taylor Answer (B) Redman and Mory 5. Which of the following is the Objective of the Research? (A) To become familiar with a phenomenon (B) To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables (C)To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with it is associated with something else. (D) All of the above Answer (D) All of the above 6. Research is basically (A) a methodology of enquiry (B) search of truth (C) a systematic exploration of facts (D) All of the above Answer (D) All of the ab...