

 DIRECT MARKETING ************************************************ What Is Direct Marketing? Direct marketing consists of any marketing that relies on direct communication or distribution to individual consumers, rather than through a third party such as mass media. Mail, email, social media, and texting campaigns are among the delivery systems used. It is called direct marketing because it generally eliminates the middleman, such as advertising media. ************************************************ KEY TAKEAWAYS ************************************************ 1-Direct marketing consists of any marketing that relies on direct communication or distribution to individual consumers, rather than through a third party such as mass media. 2-The call to action is a common factor in much of direct marketing. 3-The effectiveness of direct marketing is easier to measure than media advertising. ************************************************ HOW DIRECT MARKETING WORKS? ********************...

डिजिटल विपणन (DIGITAL MARKETING) वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न एवं उत्तर

 डिजिटल विपणन (DIGITAL MARKETING) वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न एवं उत्तर  निर्देश- निम्नलिखित में से सत्य एवं असत्य कथनों को बताइए।  *********************************************  (Q1) पारंपरिक विपणन इलेक्ट्रॉनिक और ऑनलाइन हो सकता है।  उत्तर:- असत्य  (Q2) बिजनेस कार्ड पारंपरिक मार्केटिंग का उदाहरण है।  उत्तर:-सत्य  (Q3) डिजिटल मार्केटिंग के लिए भौतिक बाजार की आवश्यकता होती है।  उत्तर:-असत्य  (Q4) पोर्टल की मदद से डिजिटल मार्केटिंग की जाती है।  उत्तर:-असत्य  (Q5) डिजिटल मार्केटिंग पारंपरिक विपणन के समान है लेकिन डिजिटल उपकरणों का उपयोग करती है।  उत्तर:-सत्य  (Q6) डिजिटल बाजार में आर्थिक सौदे किए जाते हैं।  उत्तर:-सत्य  (Q7) SEO थ्रू फ्यूल है जो आपकी डिजिटल मार्केटिंग रणनीतियों को संचालित करता है।  उत्तर:-असत्य  (Q8) डिजिटल मार्केटिंग में SEO का अर्थ है विशेष कार्यकारी संचालन।  उत्तर:-असत्य  (Q9) सशुल्क खोज में केवल तभी भुगतान किया जाता है जब आपके विज्ञापन दिखाई देते हैं।  उत्तर:- असत्य  (Q1...

Digital Marketing - True and False Questions with Answers

 Digital Marketing True and False Questions with Answers ************************************************* (Q1) Traditional marketing can occur electronically and online. Answer:-False (Q2) Business card is example of tradtional marketing. Answer:-True (Q3) Digital marketing required physical market. Answer:-False (Q4) Digital marketing is carried out with the help of portal. Answer:-False (Q5) Digital marketing is similar to traditional advertising but using digital devices. Answer:-True (Q6) Economic deals are carried out in digital market. Answer:-True (Q7) SEO is thr fuel that drives your Digital Marketing strategies. Answer:-False (Q8) In Digital Marketing SEO means Spcial Executive Operations. Answer:-False (Q9) In paid search your only paid when your ads is visible. Answer:-False. (Q10) Two diffrent search engine shows similar result. Answer:-False (Q11) The paid advertisement of the Google can be identified with paid keyword. Answer:-False  (Q12) White hat SEO involves...


 E-COMMERCE PAYMENT SYSTEM ************************************************* What Is an Electronic Payment System?  ************************************************* "Simply put, electronic payments allow customers to pay for goods and services electronically. This is without the use of checks or cash. Normally e-payment is done via debit cards, credit cards or direct bank deposits." An e-commerce payment system (or an electronic payment system) facilitates the acceptance of electronic payment for offline transfer, also known as a subcomponent of electronic data interchange (EDI), e-commerce payment systems have become increasingly popular due to the widespread use of the internet-based shopping and banking. Credit cards remain the most common forms of payment for e-commerce transactions. As of 2008, in North America almost 90% of online retail transactions were made with this payment type. It is difficult for an online retailer to operate without supporting credit and debit ...


 DIGITAL ANALYTICS ************************************************ What Is Digital Analytics? Definition, Examples, & Tools  ************************************************ Digital analytics helps you harness the power of customer data to guide product strategy and marketing. Digital Analytics Digital analytics is the process of collecting and analyzing product data from multiple digital sources to inform product and marketing strategies. Amazon and Netflix have famously leveraged digital analytics to power new features, but companies of all sizes can use digital analytics for a variety of uses, like minimizing churn, encouraging experimentation, and increasing the value of existing customers. Key Takeaways 1. Digital analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and ultimately acting upon the data from all of your digital sources. 2. Companies use digital analytics to minimize churn, encourage experimentation, and increase the value of existing customers. 3. Any co...


 DIGITAL ANALYTICS-FAQ ************************************************ What is digital analytics? ************************************************  Digital analytics is the process of analyzing digital quantitative and qualitive data from sources like websites, mobile apps, and social media channels to provide a clearer picture of what and how users are looking for items, and how to enhance your customer experience and strategies. ************************************************ Is data analytics and digital analytics same? ************************************************ Digital analytics allows businesses to provide their customers and potential customers with a better online experience. Which also gradually leads to the achievement of intended outcomes. Data analytics is a method that companies use to gather, calculate, and analyze the qualitative and quantitative data. ************************************************ Is digital analytics a good career? *******************...


 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON EDI ************************************************ When was EDI introduced? ************************************************ EDI was first introduced to supply chains back in the 1960s, when Ed Guilbert developed a form of electronic communication between shipment supply chains in the US army. Although it took until the early 90s for EDI to find wide-spread supply chain integration, EDI was a critical facilitator of early globalisation. ************************************************ What is EDI and its types? ************************************************ Electronic data interchange (EDI) is one of the most common forms of structured exchange of business documents between organizations by electronic means. There are many different types of EDI and a range of approaches to enabling EDI across a trading community. ************************************************ What is EDI and how it works? ************************************************ EDI = E...

A Structured 10-Step Process for Successful EDI Implementation

 A Structured 10-Step Process for Successful EDI Implementation ************************************************ Implementing EDI across your organization and network of business partners can be complex. Taking a systematic approach will help you deliver an effective EDI program. ************************************************ Step 1: Develop the Organizational Structure ************************************************ EDI is a significant investment and developing the correct organizational structure from the outset will pay dividends as the program evolves. ************************************************ Key elements of the structure includes: ************************************************ The EDI Coordinator:  An IT professional with in-depth experience in delivering EDI. The Coordinator may come from in-house or be hired externally, depending on the EDI experience the organization already has. The Steering Committee:  Headed by the EDI Coordinator, the committee t...